gay » e.d

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request by: rhearhea_

P.S: the way I write imagines is still with (y/n) and not the specific name, the reason I do this is so everyone can read the imagine without having someone else's name, I hope you don't mind.

your pov

"okay," i say into the phone, talking to my friend, michael, "see you." i end the call and push open the door, shockingly facing an angry ethan.

"etha-" he pulls out his phone, a photo of michael and i hugging and kissing each other on the cheek appearing on an exposing page.

"who the fuck is this?" he asks, his eyes losing their general shine, now matte and angry.

"ethan," i look at him, my eyes drooping, "please, calm down-"

"who the fuck is this, (y/n)?!" he shouts, shutting his phone off, his expression turning into sadness.

"ethan, please, listen-"

"tell me, (y/n)! did you fucking cheat on me?!" he shouts, his eyes filling with tears.

"will you fucking listen?!" i shout back, slapping him in the face. it didn't seem to faze him, however.

"i did not fucking cheat on you," I say, rage filling me, "maybe if you'd fucking listen!"

"then fucking tell me!" he shouts back.

"that guy online, he's my best friend from sixth grade, ethan. and guess what? he's gay,"


"i'm not fucking done," i say, "maybe next time you'll understand, and hopefully you won't keep jumping to conclusions. you know i don't talk or have many guy friends, michael is the only guy i would ever feel comfortable with,"

I stop, taking a breath, "and you know why? because we will never like each other like that."

"maybe we can have a civil conversation when you'll let me talk."

then I slammed the door.


hey! okay, so I changed the ending a bit because I wanted to give a badass vibe, hope you don't mind :)

also, I usually don't do back to back Ethan imagines so the next one will definitely be grayson.

dolan twin imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora