Chapter 18; Reasons

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Chapter 18:

I walked into my former bedroom shutting the door behind me, my heart pounding rapidly against my chest. I took a deep breath and let it out looking at my shaking hands. He took it getter than I thought.

I closed my eyes and relaxed before opening them again and making my way to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and watched myself intently.

My hair had gotten longer and darker, my eyes had become brighter and my face was gaining a bit more color compared to before. Being away from your mate does affect you.

I tied my hair in a bun and walker out of the bathroom. A knock echoed through the bedroom as I muttered a 'come in'. Brandon stormed unto my bedroom, almost breaking the door. He smiled looking at me and I could see the happiness radiating off him.

"so you're staying?" he asked me and I nodded. A smile plastered his face as a relieved expression took over.

He must really love his alpha to do all of this, honestly Brandon looked like the world was rebuilding itself to give him a better life.

"so what are you going to do from now on?" he questioned me curiously.

"I honestly Have no idea on what I'm going to do." I sighed.

Brandon's eyes held sadness as he looked at me with sympathy. "Irene you Need to understand why Zander is like this." he said making my eyebrows furrow in confusion. "Let me tell you little story." he said thing a seat in my bed, patting the empty space next to him, inviting me to sit beside him.

I let put sluggard sat down. "What's this so called 'story' about?" I questioned him.

"It's about how an alpha ripped his heart out and buried it under all his anger." he explained. I didn't quite understand what he meant but I ushered him to go on. "have you ever wondered why Zander is a worse case scenario? I mean if you look at it, by now a broken Alpha would've realised their mistake and accepted their mates Into their lives. But you see for Zander it's a little different." he said.

I stared at him intensely, "how different?" I questioned.

"Zander's case is hard to explain. I don't know all the deatils But you see, years ago when the former Luna was still alive Zander was honestly the happiest man alive. I mean who wouldn't be? The former Luna was a bit manipulative if you ask me, but nevertheless, she was a good person. A year passed after they had met and sometime during their second year, something was going on between the alpha and Luna's relationship. As if a hole had drilled its way into their hearts, but they still pretended nothing was wrong, but Zander started to change, he began to seem different. The Luna had gotten attacked by a pack for trespassing and was brutally tortured and killed, which widened the hole in Zander making him worse than he already was. He was angry at himself for some reason, not only for her death, but something else he kept hidden. When it was the Luna's burial, he didn't shed a single tear, like a normal alpha who loved his Luna would. Zander became cold and distant, whatever his pack wanted he provided as long as it was within reason, and he slowly forgot about himself. He cut all ties with outsiders and his brother for some reason that seemed to link to the Luna. Zander's shattered heart and trust was difficult to mend and still is only quarterly mended. When we had met you at the party, Zander knew he was going to get a second chance mate but he didn't expect it to be you. Seeing your face seemed to anger him more and no one could missed he'd despair, hate, and refuse to give you a chance and let me promise you his broken heart was not the only reason." Brandon explained.

I began getting more curious as to why Zander would hate me. We hadn't even known each other but he was a horrible person. Sure he lost his mate but what would that have to do with getting another mate?

"What's the reason Brandon? What seemed to have shocked Zander and the entire pack about a stranger, a girl who knows nothing about them?" I asked him.

Brandon let out a sigh as he fiddled with his fingers. He seemed nervous to say what the reason was and I didn't blame him, the reason could change my entire insight on my situation.

"What was the reason Brandon?" but nevertheless, I was determined to know the answer. The answer to what was destroying my dreams.

"You look just like her Irene, you look exactly like the former Luna." he said looking at me sadly.

His Words seemed to only shock me. I looked like Zander previous mate? I felt Anger bubble up inside of me.

"this doesn't make sense Brandon! Even if I did or do look like her, that gives Zander no reason to hate me, wouldn't I just be good enough to be his made, wouldn't I fit the role of Luna perfectly?" I asked.

"You're forgetting Irene, your ranks differ, she was an alpha and you were an omega." he explained.

"but still why? What do I have have to do with his reason to hate and dislike me? " I questioned as I felt my heart get heavy and my eyes fill with tears.

Brandon sighed and looked me in the eye again, "Remember Irene, I told you there was something going on between Zander and the former Luna, right?" he said and I nodded. "that could be the reason." he suggested.

"so you're saying whatever happened between them, because I look like her, I remind Zander of their fight or problem which makes Zander angry?" I repeated and Brandon nodded.

"I know Zander knows you're two different people, but I think his anger Byronp his heart compels him to forget your differences and look at you as the same person." Brandon spoke.

"but what was the reason?" I thought to myself.

What could possibly have made Zander worse than what he was supposed to be?

I felt a headache come along as dizziness took over. I closed my eyes to try and calm down but I could feel my knees weaken. Slowly I felt darkness begin to consume me as I fell on the ground.



Yay okay! We got a little insight on Zander's past. So what do you think of it?

What do you think the reason was?

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