Chapter 33: A Heatwave Of Hatred

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Chapter 33

The car ride was tensing. My mind couldn't settle on the fact that I was returning to a place where everyone hated me. I could feel Zander's hard faze on the side of my face.

As if sensing my tense surrounding he took my hand giving it a squeeze. Slight discomfort overcame my mind as my heart began feeling at ease, I pulled my hand away from his. I was not ready for his intimacy.

He pulled back his hand gripping the steering wheen tightly. I looked away from him and out my window, thinking of how to overcome this obstacle of a pack.

Arriving at the pack, my breath hitched. I don't think I was ready for this.

"Irene, stop worrying so much. It's going to be okay," he said trying to calm me down but something in me snapped.

"be okay? BE OKAY? Zander, you have no idea what I had to endure in this pack because of you, so don't tell me 'it's going to be okay' when you and I both know that the memories alone are hard to accept." I spat as my chest rose up and down in anger or more, a tinge of sadness.

"I know I've caused you pain, but think about our child Irene, think about the life inside you, you stressing so much isn't good for him or her." he said trying to reason with me when a switch turned on in my head.




The baby. I looked up at his NY heart breaking a little. What if it doesn't make i-... No! I can't be negative, that doctor was just being spiteful. I was going to be okay and the baby was going to be okay. Everything was definitely going to be okay.

Zander looked at me with questioning eyes. "Is something wrong, Irene?" he questioned slowly as he heard my heart beat speed up from his question.

"Yes, I'm just worried something is going to push me to a limit here in the pack and I don't want to reach that limit." I said to his as smoothly as possible, decreasing my heart rate from the panic.

We looked at each other for a moment before he nodded his head, sighing and opening the car door. Walking out and opening my door for me.

Zander sighed taking my hand and pulling me into a tight embrace as if losing me any second. His actions were becoming more loving and more intimate day by day, and honestly, I couldn't settle my confused heart because of it.

"Irene, this is your pack... Our pack, I refuse to let the past repeat itself. I said I would prove myself and believe me I will." he said with reassurance lacing his tone.

Bidding and pulling away from his embrace, I took a deep breath stepping towards the sane house that caused my misery. Pack member after pack member simply watched me as I made my way past them.

I opened the door to the house and there, eye to eye I faced Zander's barbie (A/N:I totally forgot what I named her😂, someone help in the comments, for now I'm going with Caroline)

"What are you doing here?" she questioned as rage laced her tone.

Trying to walk pass her, she grabbed my arm pushing me back to the entrance of the door.

"I asked, What The hell are you doing here you wanna be slut!?" she insulted and something in me snapped as I pushed her back harder than ever.

She tripped over her freaking foot, and fell back hitting her back against the wall. By now we had gathered a crowd around us.

Whispers echoed in my ears as the people on standby began whispering to one another.

'She's causing trouble again' 'no wonder why she was hated'

Their nonsense began ticking my off. Getting ready to turn around, I felt a foot trip me and my eyes met with Caroline and her plastic face! Going down trying to turn sifmddenly I felt two arms hold me and keep me upright.

I opened my eyes to Zander's eyes, as he put me back on my feet and scanned my body as if looking for any damage.

"Zander Baby, look at what she's done to me! She deserves to die at your hands, how dare she treat me, your future Luna in this manner I refuse to accept this!" she spouted her trashy yet screeching words.

Ready to pounce at her for the move she pulled not even 10 seconds ago, Zander put up his hand to stop me. Her smile got wider as my frown deepened at his actions.

Was he going to defend her? Seriously? She deserved for her face to get scratched to the point of no recognition.

"You all Dare stand here and disrespect your Luna?"

The voice that resounded was terrifying. In all the bad times I had expirienced with Zander, this was the first time his rage and alpha sensations rolled in huge amounts. My heart stopped for a moment as I watched everyone freeze.

So this was what a powerful alpha sounded like in anger.

"ANSWER ME!" he yelled as everyone dropped to their knees before him. Caroline looked scared as hell, heck even I backed a few steps away.

This was a side of Zander I never want to see and sure as hell was never ready to see in this moment.

He turned his gaze towards her, his eyes cold and his stare murderous.

"I apologize alpha for my rudeness." she hurried out without lifting her gaze.

He simply looked away from her as he walked away from the crowd. Leaving everyone with distraught reactions. And me in a heatwave of hatred.

So much for 'being okay'

Oh my👀 what just happened! Lemme know what you think! 😱

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