Chapter 19; Chances Denied

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Chapter 19:

My eyes fluttered open as I stirred in the uncomfortable bed below me. I sat up and watched as white walls surrounded me.

Hospital. Again.

I Groaned just as the door opened revealing the doctor in a white coat. He placed a forced smile on his face as I remembered the hatred the pack had for me.

I rolled my eyes and ignored his look as he stood right beside me. Neither of us spoke until he decided he needed to speak.

"so Irene, it seems you've collapsed due to stress."(A/N and you all thought it was Zander ;) ) he said to me, as I nodded. "and..." he cut himself shortaking me raise my eyebrow at him.

"What?" I questioned.

"it seems there's something that's complicating your pregnancy, and a suggestion would be to abort." making my eyes widen at his statement.

I scoffed at his words and snapped at him "Look here, 'doctor' but I don't care! This is the baby I created and I'm not going to take its life away whether you like it or not." I sneered at him.

He looked at me with disgusted eyes, "Whatever. It's up to you really." he said as he grabbed a clipboard from my bedside table and walked outside closing the door angrily.

I sat quietly as the tears brimmed my eyes. Why was this happening all of a sudden. Another knock echoed and I wiped my tears away quickly.

Brandon walked in, a sad smile on his face. "Irene?" he whispered my name. But really all I wanted to do now was look away from him. Turn my back.

"Irene, please." he pleaded but I simply lied down and turned my back towards him.

"go away." I said to him, not in the mood to hear anything at all.

I heard him sigh and the door close. All the hurt in my chest began slapping me in the face. The door opened again and my frustration grew.

"I said get out Brandon!" I yelled doubting up and turning to face him, "I don't-" my words got cut short as my heart beat rapidly against my chest. "Zander..." the way I said his name was as If there was a blade on my tongue.

He simply looked at me. Not flinching from my tone. I let out a sigh and turned away from Him. "leave." was all I said to him.

I heard him scrape the chair on the tiled hospital floor and flop him self in the chair. "We need to talk."

I scoffed at his words in anger and sat up. "you don't get to ask me to 'talk' you lost your chance to tm the moment you went for Barbie." I spat out.

"That happened unknowingly, sort of, I was feeding off rage and it blinded me. What I did was wrong. I admit. But I warned you the day we met, there was no place for you in my heart." he said.

That hot my heart on a rampage. I was angry, "so what now? What do you want?! For me to stand on the side as a mistress! For me to be your baby machine? What!?" I screamed ay him.

"I want you to give our mating bond another chance." and I couldn't help what I did next.

Next thing I knew my hands stung as Zander face was turned to the side. "You don't deserve another chance, do you know what you've done to us? What you've done to my innocent child. You deserve nothing but hell. A chance? You don't get to ask anything Zander, nothing at all. The reason I came back wasn't because I care about you. The words I spoke were just to boost your self esteem. The only reason I'm here is because I was asked to be here and because being apart weakens my wolf making the pregnancy difficult to keep up with. After what you've put me through you don't deserve forgiveness, you deserve to rot and die in a ditch by yourself." I spat out as he stared at me intensely.

"I had warned you Irene the moment we met, I warned you about what would happen, you chose to put yourself In the darned situation, even after I told you not to. You chose to be naive. So why am I being blames for things you chose to put yourself through?" he asked. And he was right. I am too naive. And is still stupid.

"I blame you Zander, because you were broken and I tried to fix you, only to get myself shattered and broken as well. So now I'm telling you. There is no room for you in my heart because you are getting involved with a shattered woman." I said.

As I opened my mouth to utter my next words. I felt Zander lift my chin slam his lips into mine.


I was not expecting that, we're you?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Okay now I'm gonna try and update more frequently becayse I really wanna finish this book and my other incomplete books! So keep up with updates!

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