Chapter 26: Dont Leave Me...

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Chapter 26:

I stood still. Not a sound. Not moving. It could just be a rabbit or something.

My heart beating as quick as possible, I thought it was gonna bust out of my chest.

Heavy breathing inhibited my ears. This was definitely a wolf and definitely not just any wolf, it was a rogue.

Being in this situation I took a deep breath calming myself. I blinked rapidly and turned as I saw it coming out of the bushes. It's teeth, snarling at me.

I instantly took off. Not waiting to see if it was friendly or not, running at full speed it was difficult to shift in my pregnancy. Managing to shift, I doubled up my speed and tried looking the wolf until I felt like it was out if sight. Knowing it was I stopped to catch my breath, but it wasn't over. It was still hear, but it didn't know where I was exactly.

The only thing going through my mind was, my baby. I couldn't let anything happen to me here.

My paws trembled in exhaustion as I tried to move, but I was at my limit. Jumping in front of me, it began circling me. As soon as it piunced my eyes shut tightly waiting for the blow to the ground, but it never came, instead I heard whimpering and another wolf snarling.

I opened my eyes and caught Zanders scent. He pulled at the wolf fighting it off. He looked up at me sharply and nodded his head to run towards the direction he tilted.

Hesitating to leave him alone, he growled and that had me going faster. Finally sdsibg pack territory I stopped turning around to see if Zander was behind me, but he wasn't, the mate bond pulling at me to go back, I fired myself to turn away and set into pact territory.

I couldn't feel sad or guilty if anything was to happen to him. In comparison to all that he had done to me, he does not deserve an ounce of my sympathy or care.

Sighing, i walked back to the house opening the door and heading to my room.

I sat on the bed motionless. Minutes passed by, and yet it felt like the world was ending. I was sitting with guilt.

I couldn't help but worry about him even though were not on good terms. This just showed I needed to leave and leave now.

Gathering the courage, I grabbed my packed bag, and closed the door. Walking down the stairs in a hurry. The front door opened as I came face to face with a clawed Zander. He looked down at my bag and then at me, narrowing his eyes. Taking a step forward, I took a step back as he began loosing balance and falling down.

I got to him before his head hit the ground.

"Don't leave me as well, Irene" he said before passing out completely.

Blood covered my hands as I only began to realize how seriously hurt he was, and for some reason it pained me. I didn't want to feel this pain anymore. I didn't want Togo through this anymore.

I did not want to have anymore heartbreaks.

In a panic, I yelled for someone's help. The maids ran to us, helping Zander. Brandon came rushing in, grabbing Zander and carrying him up the stairs.

His words help me in an iron grip.

I was becoming weak again.

I was becoming naive again.

I had to leave. And I had to leave now.

Mustering up more courage, I grabbed my bad and rushed out the door. Stopping in guilt, I wanted to turn, but looking down at my belly I was reminded. I needed to leave and I was going to. I was going home, and I was going home now.


Oh mi gaaawwd. I'm trying guys, I'm trying hard to update as much as possible this month, but this book is super hard XD.

What do you think of Irene's Descision.?

Is Zander really not that cold hearted? (i still kinda hate him, but I love him at the same time cause I made him and I know him best! He's my son) XD

Don't forget to comment and vote for the story! ❎


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