Chapter 35; Something New

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Chapter 35

Taking in a breath, I calmed my mind and let out the breath. Allowing my fisted hands to knock onto the door I waited patiently for permission to enter.

A small 'come in' reverted in my ears as I pushed the large oak doors to Zander's office stepping in.

"Irene, there's no need for you to knock before coming to see me." he stated firmly.

"You do know that it's going to take some time before I feel comfortable around you." I said with a strained smile.

He simply nodded as my heart clenched at the expression overriding his face. 'it's the mate bond' I had to remind myself. I couldn't allow myself to fall into its temptation. Forgiving Zander was like a need on my throat. The hurt I've been put through could never be forgotten and to be forgiven would take time.

"What is it you have come here for?" he questioned curiously.

"It's in regards to our bedroom arrangements" I said.

"What about it?" he questioned raising his eyebrow at me.

I looked at him in disbelief. "What do you mean 'what about it' I should be the one asking why are we sleeping in the same room. Mate or not. We're not on those terms yet let alone that kind of relationship." I stated firmly.

"Irene, yes I'm not the best person or your favorite person right now, but as an alpha male I need you next to me. You're my mate." his voice raised slightly.

"well I'm not comfortable. I'm not asking you I came here to tell you that I told the maids to move my things to my old room." a growl echoed from him as I simply turned around and walked out.

I was not in a good state of mind to sit and argue or stir his anger. My top priority was myself. How he comes into hmtge picture is up to him.

Letting out a sigh I walked out the house doors and towards the main pack house. Getting ready to knock the door opened abruptly, bringing every teenage boy to halt, bumping each other one by one.

"Where are you guys heading?" I mustered up the courage to ask them in pure curiosity. 

A look of disgust crossed over one of their faces as the very one in the front spoke up.

"Towards the training grounds, Luna" he answered.

Training grounds, huh?

"Well then, take me along with you." I stated.

"Why do we have-" the one boy at the back started speaking but his words were cut off by a grunt, probably the pain of someone punching him to keep his mouth shut.

"Of course Luna." the leading boy spoke as they walked out one after the other.

I followed closely behind them as they stiffly treaded the path towards the open forest. Reaching a wide field, almost a 100 people, sparring, some helping each other otherscooling off and children running around, inhibited the grounds.

"We've reached Luna." the boy from earlier spoke. Looking at him now he looked to be 17 or 18 years of age.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

Hesitantly he spoke up, "It's Hayden, Luna."

"Well Hayden, call me Irene." I smiled.

He looked for something on my face as a bright smile overtook his face.


Once we reached the field itself everyone stopped what they were doing and simply looked at me as though I grew two heads.

"Don't mind me, I'm just here to be active just like everyone else" I said as the hesitantly, with unsure looks went back to what they werre doing.

There were some that, you could tell by just looking, they didn't want me here, while others just seemed uncomfortable by my presence, and a small amount just seemed curious as to whether what they've heard through rumors and my personality are similar.

Taking a seat under a large oak tree that occupied a bit of the right side of the field, I felt a kick. Seems we have an active one.

Smiling I patted down my stomach, as I continued to watch. Minutes passed by as my mind wandered to all the events that have happened till now.

I 'fell' in love with an alpha that has loved before only to be mistreated and now that same alpha is one to crawl back to me. Almost feels like a cliché romance movie, I snorted to myself.

I jolted up as I felt a hand over my clothed belly, looking down at a large pair of brown eyes a little boy looked up at me.

"Why is your tummy so big? Did you eat something" he questioned out of innocent curiosity.

I couldn't help but let out a chuckle at his confused yet concerned face. Taking my hand and touching his chubby right cheek I smiled shaking my head.

"No, I'm just gonna have a baby" I confirmed.

"so you ate a baby?!" he exclaimed with a horrified face.

Never in my 20 years of living did I, urene Summers, ever think I would encounter a situation like this. I couldn't help but let a smile Form on my face at the situation.

"No, no, the baby is sleeping here just until it gets big enough for he or she to come out and play" I said as he looked like he got it.

He got up and ran towards the other kids around his age and soon I was surrounded by little ones throwing questions of curiosity.

"Are you the Luna?" a redhead girl asked.

I nodded as their eyes sparkled.

"My mommy says the Luna is a bad person." 

"Do I look like a bad person?" I asked her as she shook her head denying it.

I smiled and ruffled her cute head.

"Hey Luna, can you okay with us?" a blond boy asked. "We need a monster to catch us-" he started explaining tag in a childish way.

Agreeing they started running as I started chasing them, their laughter echoed in my ears allowing me to smile whole-heartedly.

I felt as though this was the start of something new.


Yay! 👀 Somethings starting here! 👀 I'm preparing an update schedule for Feb 👀 please do keep updated on my wall to see it 👀

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