Chapter 2: The Feelings That I Tried To Fight

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(Sora's POV):

I gritted my teeth when the Ursaring who was holding me growled. He let go of me and I collapsed to the ground, my head hitting the floor. Ouch. I closed my eyes and tried to restrain myself from screaming. I swear if I get really angry, they better prepare to meet Arceus.

The bastard who kissed me grabbed me,my eyes snapped open and saw an annoying smirk etched on his lips. I threw him a glare, trying hard not to go super Seiyan. If looks could kill, he would be dead and buried deep underground. I tried to move, but I can't. What in the Distortion World?! I tried to move again, but it felt as if I was in a room full of needles and I'm helpless. I can't move properly. It felt as if I'm. . . . .

"You're right. It's paralysis." He smirked. "It's a curse, not just a kiss. But I got to admit, your lips are pretty sweet." I gritted my teeth and tried to scream .All that came out from my mouth was a small squeak. Damn it! I wanted to scream so badly. My rage is building up.

"Just give up. After we conquer the Westerns, our next target are the Easterns. They call you the Dragoness of the West, but all I see is a girl with an attitude. The rumors must be fake." That's when it hit me. Dragons. I slowly closed my eyes and tried to call out Rayquaza. He might descend from the ozone layer if my voice reached him. You see, I have a special bond with Rayquaza. When I was born, the Orb of Rayquaza, a jewel that allows the user to control him or have a close bond with him, possessed my body. After I died, the Orb is what kept me alive now. If it was removed from me, I'll die. 'Kay, time to call my friend.

I softly murmured, hoping that Rayquaza can hear me. "Rayquaza, I need you."

At the exact time, an explosion was heard. The one who was holding me was sent flying by an Ice Beam. I smiled when Rayquaza grabbed me with his fangs and carefully placed me in a safe place to recover. I was still paralyzed,but I can move a bit freely now. My condition doesn't matter right now, though. What matters now is that Drew and his parents might be in danger. It's my duty as their bodyguard to protect them with my life. And no Shifter is gonna stop the Dragoness.

I grabbed my Pokéballs and sent out my whole team, smirking a bit when I saw the fearful look on the Shifters' faces when they saw my Pokémon. My Flareon growled, Vaporeon waited calmly for my orders, Lucario grinned and rolled his shoulders, Latios and Latias screeched, and my Gardevoir did a sort of dance. They all got ready to fight, willing to assist me in my duty. I tried to keep my balance, but I was swaying a bit. I'm so tired, I wanted to rest, but I need to fight. I need to protect the Prince. I tried to stand tall, then ordered in a weak voice that is barely audible.

"Guys, we. . . . . We have to find Drew." They all heard my words and nodded,knowing its important.

I picked up my large blade and ran toward Prince Drew's chamber, ignoring the agonizing pain at each step I take and praying that Drew is safe. I ducked just in time to avoid a Flamethrower from an Emboar Shifter. My Gardevoir used Protect on us as we tried to clear the path.

I sliced a Shifter in half, blood staining my sword and armor. I jumped up and got ready to smash my foot on a Shifter's face. He grabbed my foot and threw me across the room, screaming out as I travelled across the chamber. I groaned in pain when I got slammed into a wall, collapsing to the ground due to utter exhaustion and my vision blurred, but I shook my head stubbornly, still not willing to give up. Drew's life is in danger, I will not rest until he is safe and sound.

I slowly stood up and got ready to fight, sweat and blood trickling down my forehead. I'm not going to give up. I am the Young Dragoness.

* * *

(Drew's POV):

"Flygon, use Dragon Claw!" I shouted at my tired Flygon, panting and almost swaying due to fatigue. He was the last one standing, and I'm not going to get beaten by these Shifters. But he also seems tired, he doesn't want to give up on me.

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