Chapter 35:The Game of Minds and Hearts

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Sora buried her face in her hands,trying to hide her tears that won't stop falling.She doesn't know what to do,she just broke up with Rafe.She blamed herself for everything and thought that it's because of her that everything's ruined.

She softly hit her head,calling herself stupid again and again.She can't control the flow of tears,and even her now destroyed heart is once again feeling pain.But this kind of pain...It's different from all the kind of pain she felt before,because now there's a mixture of guilt,regret and a little bit of anger.She can't take it.

"Having trouble?"A familiar voice questioned.Sora turned around and saw a pair of crimson eyes.Seth sat down beside her,while Sora could feel her muscles tense.She has to admit she's starting to hate him

"Yea."Sora answered,trying her best to remain calm.She felt a pair of arms wrap around her,causing her eyes to widen.She felt Seth breathing down her neck,sending shivers down her spine.

"I'm sorry,but like I said,he's not good enough for you."He whispered softly in her ear.Sora felt her eye twitch,then she pushed him away.

"You're wrong!"She shouted and stood up,facing him with an angered expression.She wiped away her tears,tightening he fists."He's too good for me,it's because of my stupidity that this relationship didn't end well,not him!"She said.Seth looked a bit taken aback,then his lips curled up into a smile.

"You just realized that now,huh?"Sora backed away when Seth approached her with an evil grin plastered on his face.She took a few steps back,only to find her back hitting a tree.Dang!She's trapped.

Seth's grin still won't leave his face,then he pinned Sora to the tree,holding her hands above her head.She tried to kick,but something held her legs down.

That's when she realized.Seth is just a Shifter disguised as him!She has been tricked!She glared at the Shifter and tried kicking,but he held her tightly.

All she remember was hearing Seth whisper into her ear before everything turned black.

"Your friends hate you now."

* * *

Everyone was now angry.Sora disappeared,then later they heard reports of a Rayquaza destroying a few houses,a Flareon burning down a lot of stores,and a girl with long brown hair killing a lot of people.

Rafe clenched his fists.He thought it was his fault.He's the one to be blamed for this,Sora's demonic self must have been awakened because of the pain.She must be stopped.

"Oh.It's you guys."Everyone turned their heads to the direction of the voice and backed away.There,Sora was grinning at them.

Her eyes and the streak in her hair was still normal,to their surprise.Her eyes stared at them intently,causing them to feel scared.

She approached them."This is me now."She said and raised a hand up in the air.Her Rayquaza appeared,then used Dragon Pulse.Takeo screamed at Sora to stop just as he got hit.Sora laughed at them.

"I'm no longer the old Sora you know."She whispered as darkness slowly started to engulf them.

They all heard Emma's sweet voice laugh,a maniacal laugh,along with Sora's.Slowly,everything turned darker.Darker than the night.

The test is about to begin.


The prince found himself floating in a world of nothingness and darkness.He was almost scared,scared of what happened to May and where she might be,he must get out of here and find her.He cupped his mouth with his hands and yelled at the top of his lungs.

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