Chapter 19:The Battle is Just Getting Started!

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Sorry I haven't updated for a loooooong time.I was having a writers block -_-

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Drew groaned out as he was thrown in front of the Shifters' feet,struggling for balance since his hands and legs are binded by ropes.He looked up and gritted his teeth when his eyes met Akuma's crimson,cold ones.

"So...."Akuma smirked and walked slowly in a circle around Drew."The Prince of the Dragon Westerns.Such a handsome young man,yet,you don't even know how to fight for your own kingdom.Such a shame."He shook his head,then kicked Drew on the back.Drew groaned out in pain as his face hit the cold floor,he could hear May scream.

"May!"Drew shouted and tried to wriggle,only to get kicked in the face by Akuma.The Shifter grabbed Drew by the neck,then raised him up in the air.

"Tell me,where can we summon Deamon?Tell me,or your princess dies."Akuma growled.Drew's eyes widened.

"I do not know what you're talking about."Drew growled back,only to get smacked on the face.Akuma threw him across the room.May screamed out as Drew hit a wall.

"Drew!"May shrieked,tears forming in her eyes as she stared at the small crimson pool of blood forming around Drew.She screamed at Akuma."You monster!"She shouted.

Akuma replied with a smirk."Don't worry,princess.Soon,we shall end his suffering."May's eyes widened as he took out a dagger and slowly approached Drew,getting ready to strike him on the head.May closed her eyes and began to pray.

'Someone.....Please......Save us.'

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Sora and her friends arrived in the castle.Sora simply walked in,but Rafe suddenly grabbed her.He wrapped his arms around her and placed a hand on her mouth as she squirmed.

"Quiet.There are Shifters guarding everywhere."Rafe whispered in her ear.Sora's eyes widened as she saw many Shifters running around the place,looking around carefully for the arrival of the Dragoness.

"Drew and May.....I have to save them."Sora whispered back as she slipped off Rafe's grasp."I'll go ahead and find them."She murmured at Rafe and Takeo.

"But how are you gonna-"Rafe was cut off when Sora took out a few small blades then took a few steps back.She threw them at the wall and they were positioned like a staircase.

Sora nodded at Rafe and Takeo."Promise me you guys will stay safe."She smiled at them.She took more steps bac and ran toward the wall.She jumped up and landed on one foot on a blade's hilt,she jumped again and landed on another blade,then another and another.Soon,she made it at the top.

She glanced at Rafe and Takeo,and gasped when she saw that the Shifters already got Rafe and Takeo."No!"Sora shouted as they got beaten.

"Sora,run!"Rafe screamed out just he got punched in the face.Before Sora could run,she felt someone grab her.Her eyes widened as she felt two Shifters grab her arms.

She suddenly jumped,doing an aerial spin and twisted their arms in the process.She kicked them aside and took out her sword.

"Guess I have no other choice."Sora murmured as she closed her eyes.'May the Wings of Enlightenment guide me.'She felt herself glow as a pair of bluish angel wings appeared on her back.She rose up to the sky and flew away,heading toward the castle where her friends are held captive.

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Drew groaned as he hit the wall.His eyes shut tight,waiting for Akuma to plunge the dagger in his chest.His eyes snapped open when he heard May's screams.

He jumped into action and tackled Akuma.The Shifter grunted as his head hit the hard,cold floor,he instantly stood up and grabbed Drew.The greenhead was once again thrown toward the wall.May shrieked and stared at Drew in horror as he groaned in pain.

'Damn it.'Drew thought as Akuma raised up his dagger.Guess this is farewell.He opened his eyes and gazed at May.He never even had the chance to tell her his feelings.

"Drew...."May whimpered as Akuma grabbed Drew by the neck.Drew just smiled at her,a rare genuine smile,something that made May feel as if her heart melted.

Akuma plunged in the dagger,Drew shut his eyes,waiting for the blade to sink in his chest and end his life,but nothing happened.

"Open those eyes,you overgrown patch of grass!I'm not going to let you die!"Drew's eyes opened at the familiar voice.He almost smiled at the sight before him.

Sora was pinning Akuma down on the floor,her large blade under the Shifter's throat.Akuma's servants froze as the Young Dragoness gave them a threatening glare.

"Good to see that you lived."Drew smirked.Sora nodded and,while holding back Akuma with her legs,used her sword to destroy the shackles on Drew's hands and feet.

Sora then punched Akuma on the face."That's for beating him up."Sora smirked."The rest.....For ruining our freakin' lives."Sora held up her sword,getting ready to plunge it at Akuma's chest.Suddenly,the Shifter transformed into black Kyurem.

"Drew!Go with May while I handle this!"Sora shouted as she jumped up,getting ready to slice off Kyurem's head.She was sent flying by a powerful Hail Blizzard,an ice type attack:her only weakness.

Sora screamed out as she felt her body temperature turn low.

"Just give up....."Kyurem growled.Sora stubbornly shook her head as she thrusther sword forward.

"I'm not giving up!"She shouted."The battle is just getting started!"

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