Chapter 4: Teaming Up

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(Sora's POV):

I was unable to move again. That bastard! He kissed me again and paralyzed me! I'm going to make sure he feels my pain the next time I see his damned face!

I tried to move my head to look at May and the others, but I can't. It hurts like hell! It feels as if I'm shocked by a Zekrom a hundred times. The pain. . . It really hurts.

"Caroline!" Norman shouted, hias face red in anger. He tried to run after Caroline and the Shifters, but was held back by Drew and Takeo. He squirmed. Drew and Takeo tried to calm him down, assuring him they'll save her soon.

May helped me up, and I struggled to keep myself standing. I felt as if I was hit by a thousand bolts this time when I stood up. This is worst than the first one that. . . . Let's just call that bastard idiot. Okay, this is worst than the first one idiot cursed me with. I sudden gasped when I remembered something.

'Caroline's kidnapped'. Those words rung inside my head like a bell. She's gone, taken away as hostages by the Shifters along with the king and queen. I have to get her.

I tried to speak, but my tongue was frozen and my lips felt as if they were glued to each other as I made another feeble attempt to speak. Each movement I made was painful, as if I'm stuck in a room full of needles.

"Sora, what's wrong?" May questioned. I tried to shake my head, but I can't move. "Dad! Something's wrong with Sora!" She shouted at her father. Norman stopped trying to chase after Caroline. He turned toward me, them ran toward us. He aided me in getting up. Drew.and T.K also noticed what state I'm in.

"Sora!" They ran toward me to try to find out what was wrong. I blushed a bit when Drew touched me. Damn hormones.

"What happened to you?" Takeo asked worriedly. I tried to speak, this time, I can move my mouth and tongue, but painfully.

"When he. . . Kissed. . . Me."I spoke slowly. It felt as if my tongue was pierced and my lips were burned. "He. . . He placed a. . . . A curse. . . . It cause. . . . Paralysis. . . And more. . ." And those words made Takeo angry. A vein on his forehead popped. Now activating protective bro mode.

"He kissed you and paralyzed you?!" He roared out. I was sure if idiot was here, Takeo would beat the daylights out of him. He really hates it when I'm hurt. He's like my brother. I almost smiled at the thought. Takeo balled his fists and stared angrily outside.

I tried to sigh, but it still hurts. This is just more than paralysis this time. Maybe idiot is experimenting something with me. But then, the true questions are: why do they need Caroline and Drew's parents? What do they want with us? And how come they possess such power?

I'll try to figure them out, just as soon as I get out of this paralyzed state.

* * *

(Drew's POV):

May's mother was kidnapped. . . . . She suffered the same fate as my parents, and all because I didn't make it in time. If only I arrived on time, May's mother would still be here.

Sora was brought to the Easterns' healing room along with the other soldiers. I sighed. Why does she always have to get in so much trouble? She's like a human magnet for bad luck!

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard May ask. I sighed again and flicked my hair.

"Yeah. She's used to it .Sora's a stubborn idiot." I answered. May's face reddened.

"Do not call her a stubborn idiot!" She shouted. I was about to answer, but was interrupted by a voice.

"Mr.Drew! ~ " Brianna,an annoying admirer of mine, pounced on me and squealed. I tried to push her away, but to no avail. If only Sora was here, she'd take care of Brianna for me, but now,I have to deal with this on my own.

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