Chapter 31:The Bloody Rose Ritual

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This'll just be a filler chapter.Sowwy.But I promise it's gonna be exciting for you!^_^

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(Rafe's POV):

Just as Sora collapsed in my arms,I heard a faint whisper as I cradled her gently in my arms.The voice sounds hoarse,teriffied and small,like a child's voice.

"Please...Go to the Village..."She pleaded.I nodded without thinking.I'll go there later,to find answers.Just a while ago,while searching for Sora,I found a tattered diary left in the ground.I recalled reading it,and I still remember what it said.


I searched everywhere for signs of the brunette.Please,Arceus,let her be safe.If anything happens to her...I don't know what to do.She's been hurt a lot of times,and not even I could nurse the scars on her heart.They're like tattooes carved into her,never to be rid off and shall forever haunt her.I just wish I could find a remedy for that,I'm willing to take risks for all that.

I sighed and walked down the empty path.We have all split up to find her,Drew and May went North,Takeo went East,Soren went South while I took West.The place is creepy,dead trees surrounded me,many dead and withered plants grew around me and the foul smell of rotten corpses lingered in the air.What caught my attention are the pure white roses.You don't see that everyday,pure white roses growing in the middle of a deserted and dead environment.

I suddenly felt myself step on something,then backed away to see what it is.A tattered book.Out of curiosity,I bent down and picked it up,dusting away the dirt on the thick covers,then opened it.The writings were faded,but not that faded,so I can read it properly.

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