Chapter 22:Deamon is Captured

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(Sora's POV):

I just froze there as I gazed at Hiro's blood-red eyes,trying to process everything that happened in my head.He's alive....It can't be...He died!He died right in front of me,in my arms!How could he be alive?!

I felt tears stream down my face,not caring if my make-up is fading,and pulled him in a tight embrace,only to get pushed away by Hiro.

My eyes widened in shock as Hiro threw a disgusted look at me."Don't you dare touch me, ."He said coldly,his crimson eyes staring coldly at my sapphire ones.I felt as if I was stabbed deeply.How could he?After all those times we spent together!

"Hiro,I...."I trailed off as I felt more tears stream down my face.I felt his hand smack my face,I fell to the ground.My body trembled a bit as I tried to stand up.Arceus.What have I ever done to you?Why am I supposed to be like this?

I couldn't hold it back anymore.I bursted to tears and covered my face with my hands,finding this pain unbearable.I was already hurt a lot of times,but it looks like Arceus still won't let me die,to let me end all this.I should have just allowed Brianna to leave me to die,or let Hiro kill me,or just commit suicide.But Arceus won't let me leave my earthly bonds no matter how many times I get stabbed,hit a wall,get impaled,get poisoned.Everyday always felt like a nightmare,either awake or asleep.Why?

My eyes widened when Rafe jumped in front of me and punched Hiro on the face.

"You bastard!"Rafe shouted,at each word he shouted,he threw a punch at Hiro's face."Do.Not.Come.Near.Her.AGAIN!"At the last word,he threw a very powerful punch at Hiro's now bloody face.I gasped as I held Rafe back.

"Rafe,no...."I whimpered.When Rafe saw my face,his face softened and he wiped away the tears from my face with the back of his hand.I felt more tears stream down my face.

How could Hiro do this to me?I thought he's the one who could end all my pain,instead,he made me feel more pain.I just can't.....

My eyes widened even more when Rafe suddenly wrapped his arms around me,trying to comfort me.He whispered softly in my ear,"He's not the real Hiro."My eyes were now as wide as plates and I pulled myself out of Rafe's arms,then glanced at the unconscious Hiro.

Hiro slowly stood up,and a dark aura formed around him.He tilted his head and we heard his bones cracking.He gave us an evil grin.

"You thought that this war is over,huh?"He asked as his body melted.I stared in horror as he moulded into another human.There stood me,staring at me with an evil grin.

My eyes narrowed as I tore off the skirt of my dress and reached inside my clothes,pulling out two daggers.Don't judge me.You'll never know if there's going to be a surprise attack.

"So,"The other Sora grinned deviously as she turned into something snakelike,crawling around me.She appeared behind Rafe and wrapped herself around him.Rafe squirmed,but she squeezed tighter,slowly choking him.

"No!"I shouted and tried to charge toward her.She pulled out a blade and held it under Rafe's throat.I froze,not wanting Rafe to get hurt.

"Give it up,Dragoness."She said,batting her eyelashes and smiling innocently."We captured Deamon,he's now ours."My eyes widened.They captured Deamon.....This is bad.They'll resurrect the other dead Shifters!

I gasped when someone grabbed me.All I remember was hearing May,Drew,Takeo and Rafe's screams before blacking out,for the hundredth time.

* * *

(May's POV):

Sora was knocked out by a Shifter.I screamed as she collapsed in his arms.I tried to kick and squirm to escape the Shifter's grasp,but he kept a firm grip on me.

Guess I have no other choice.I headbutted him,then kicked him where the sun doesn't shine,then ran as fast as my legs could carry me.I heard some shouts and looked up.Austin,Chase and Riku were riding on their Charizard,Dragonite and Togekiss.Riku flew down and grabbed me before the Shifters could catch me.

"Stop!"I heard a familiar voice.I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw Akuma.He's still alive?!But why?!

Beside him stood a demonic Pokémon.It is wearing some kind of cloak to cover his bony body.He held a scythe on his right hand and had chains attached to his arms and legs,which were floating around him as if he's underwater.

"Deamon,"Akuma ordered."Use Soul Chain!"He ordered.

Deamon reluctantly raised his hand and his chains flew around.Austin,Riku and Chase were grabbed by the chains,but when a chain attempted to grab me,something underneath my gown began to glow.It was the bracelet.

Even Sora,Rafe,Takeo and Drew were left unscathed.We suddenly began to glow and the surroundings swirled.

I screamed as I found myself up in the sky,underneath me was the sea.I screamed louder as gravity started to pull me down.

"May!"I looked up and saw Drew and the others,also falling down toward the water.

I sent out my Blastoise before I hit the water.Drew was caught by my Blastoise before he reaches the water.I looked at Takeo and the others.Takeo was already on the back of a Lapras,while Rafe sent out his Gyarados.We looked around,trying to find Sora.A blinding flash caused us to shut our eyes.When we opened them,Sora was now in Rafe's arms,still unconscious.

I sighed with relief,glad that we are safe.But our kingdom.....The Shifters took over our kingdom.

"Those bastards."Takeo growled as he turned toward East,gazing at the horizon.

I heard someone groan softly and turned toward Rafe's direction.

"What?Where are we?"Sora sat up,but struggled a bit because she was sitting on Rafe.Rafe gently helped her,while blushing.

Sora suddenly screamed and clutched on Rafe,as if her life is about to end.She began to sob as she frantically tried to get off the Gyarados' back.

"Sora,don't!We're in the water!"I shouted.She stood still,but she still won't let go of Rafe.

Rafe sighed and tried to calm her down.

"What's wrong with her?"I asked Drew as I helped him get on Blastoise' back.He shook his head.

"She's always like that whenever she sees a Gyarados.I don't know why."He answered and gazed at me."Are you alright?"He asked me worriedly.I just smiled and nodded at him.

"Yeah."I replied,then hung my head.But everyone else....They're held captive by the Shifters."I felt tears stream down my face at the thought of my family being thrown into a dungeon,or worst,get tortured.I felt Drew wrap his arms around me as I started to sob.

"Everything is going to be fine."Drew assured me.

"B-b-but how?"I asked and hiccuped.Drew just froze,not knowing what to say.He just sighed as he pulled back and gazed at my face.

"I don't....I don't know..."Drew answered nervously,for the first time in forever.....

* * *

Gosh.My head hurts.I just watched Titanic,and I can't stop crying....Anyways,I'll try to update soon....After I move on from.Sorry,guys.I just can't....*Cries*

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