Chapter 21:Happily Ever After?

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May sighed as the maids started fixing her up for the party celebrating their victory over the battle against the Shifters.It was a long fight,many lives were lost and many tears were shed.But after that,good things happened:like the two kingdoms are now united.May smiled as she started applying make-up on her face.

"Looks like someone's excited for the party."A voice pulled May out of her thoughts.May grinned and turned around,greeting Sora.Her eyes suddenly widened in horror when she saw that the Dragoness is only wearing her usual armor,same old ponytail,hairstyle and weapon.Only difference,she's wearing different combat boots.

"Why aren't you wearing a gown?!"May asked frantically as she grabbed the lady swordsman by the shoulders and shook her.Sora grinned sheepishly and shook her head.

"It's not like I'm going to dance."Sora answered,rolling her eyes.May stubbornly shook her head as she pushed the Dragoness toward the dressing room,leaving her in the care of her maids.

"Wear something more formal!I'll fix your hair!"Sora's eyes widened in horror as the maids pulled her toward the dressing room.

May just sighed as she continue applying make-up on her face,then checked herself on the mirror.May thought she picked the perfect outfit.She chose a shoulderless,red ball gown that has a rose on the left side of her waist.She wore a pearl necklace around her neck and a pair of pearl earrings,elbow-length gloves and a pair of crimson heels.She applied some light mascara on her eyelashes,blue eye shadow,her cheeks were a bit pinker than before and she applied red lipstick on her lips.May tied her hair in a tight bun held by a pin with the Eastern Flame symbol.

She heard some shouts as the Young Dragoness suffered in a closet filled with jewelry,shoes and her worst enemy,gowns along with strict maids that would force many outfits on her,causing May to laugh."This is pure torture!"Sora exclaimed.May couldn't help but burst out laughing.Same old Sora.

* * *

Lively music and laughter can be heard from outside the castle gates as the generals,soldiers and citizens celebrated their victory over the fight against the Shifters.Norman and Andrew were having a conversation with the officers,while Takeo,Rafe,Chase,Austin and the other young officers had a discussion about 'boy things'.

May smiled as she walked down the steps from the castle halls,greeted by the fresh smell of food cooked by the best chefs.She excitedly squealed,trying to imagine Drew's reaction if he sees her in a gown.Behind her was Sora,who was struggling with the heels she is wearing,the tight gown and the itchy laces.

"When will this end?"Sora muttered.May shot the brunette a playful glare.

"Sora,you need to loosen up a bit.It's time for you to go out there and find someone,and turn into a real girl."May grabbed the Dragoness' hand and smiled softly at her best friend.Sora just smiled and shook her head.

"I'm afraid,"Sora lowered her head."That I will never fall in love."Those words caused May's sapphire eyes to widen.

"But why?"May asked worriedly at the Dragoness.Sora just grinned at her,trying to use it to hide the pain in her eyes and her true feelings beneath the cheerful mask she always wears.

"I fell in love a couple of times."Sora replied."Only to get hurt.I realized,I must not fall in love to avoid breaking myself again.It is nothing more but a waste of time for me."Sora sighed as she tried to hold back tears.She must avoid falling for someone again if she doesn't want to destroy herself.It's better for her to not love with someone,her kingdom needs her and she's not going to just let herself out in the open.Love is nothing more but a death trap for Sora,once you step in,you'll suffer unbearable pain.

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