Chapter 40:A New Start

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Sora felt a few more tears fall down her chin as her slender fingers rummaged through the drawer in her room.She hid it somewhere in the drawer,she knows it's there.

The two kingdoms were now mourning for the deaths of the prince and princess,but Sora can't go there,she can't take it anymore.

First,her family,then Brianna,then Hiro.Now May and Drew...Sora felt as if her life has been torn to shreds,she wanted her pain to end.So she's ending it all now.

Her fingers felt something cold,hard,metallic.With trembling hands,she grabbed the blade and pulled it out the drawer,examining its design.It was a bluish dagger,its hilt has graceful snowflakes carved on its hilt and a line swirled around it,kinda resembling a gust of wind.The blade is also ice blue.This is one of the blades that killed her before...

She let out a shaky sigh and held the blade up,then pressed it against her wrist.Her life flashed before her eyes,she was a hundred percent sure that this is the end.Farewell,Easterns.Farewell,Westerns.Farewell,Soren.Farewell,Takeo.Farewell,Audrey and Kathryn.And farewell,Rafe.

A few tears trickled down her cheeks,which were now pale.She now has eyebags from lack of sleep and her eyes and nose are red from crying for days.She can't take anymore of this misery.Time to end this.Time for the Dragoness to soar up higher into the sky and never to be seen again.

She's now facing her two enemies:ice and her self.She's fighting them both,both can kill her,but they are hesitating.They don't want to kill her right now,they pity her.

She breathed heavily,shutting her eyes tight as she pressed the blade tighter to her wrist.'Sora,what are you doing?Why?'What is she doing?Why is she hesitating?

She have always wanted to end her life.Everytime someone grips her neck,point a blade at her,or prepare to freeze her,she always wanted to end it.But why didn't they finished her off?Haven't they had enough of watching her torment?Is Arceus just playing with her?

Sora growled,then pressed the blade to her wrist again,but her hand won't stop shaking.She tightened her grip on the hilt,but it automatically pulled away.She started to sob again.

Why can't she end this?Why is she hesitating to do what she always wanted to do for years?

Sora then held up the blade,preparing to stab her chest instead.She has to do it quick,no backing down.She raised it above her head,getting ready,that's when she heard a crash.

She gasped when she felt someone take the blade from her hands,then pin her down the ground.She blinked,staring at a pair of brown orbs.She felt something warm and wet fall down her face,then more and more fell down,until it mixed with her own tears.She started to cry again,seeing Rafe cry made her heart broke.

'What is she thinking?!No wonder she doesn't want to die.A lot more people love her,and she loves them.The people she fights for.

Rafe kissed her forehead,then her nose,then her lips,his teardrops falling down one by one on her face.He pulled her in a tight embrace,nuzzling her neck.Sora gave in,she felt as if she's shattered.She broke into tears.

The blade was now embedded on the ground,deserted.Frost formed around it and it froze the ground.The Young Dragonness...Her two weaknesses,dragon and ice,are what saved her now.They spared her life.She still has more to do in life.

May and Drew wanted her to live,to watch from above as she grow,get married,start a family and more.She'll still fly high above the sky.

* * *

May and Drew's funeral is over.Sora dragged her feet away from the scene,leaving the others to mind their own business.Rafe left to deal with something 'important',so she's on her own for now.

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