Chapter 7: Another Fight Is On!!!

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Warning!There's going to be violence in this chapter!You have been warned!

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(May's POV):

"Caroline!May!"I was pulled in a tight embrace by my dad along with my mother.My brother,Max,also pulled us in a big bear hug,his eyes watering.

"We were so worried!"Max cried out.I looked at my right and saw Drew and Sora get taken away to get healed.I waved and smiled at them,and they smiled back.

"What happened?Where did they take you?"Max questioned.

"We were taken to their territory,but we were rescued by a Shifter."Their eyes widened at my words.

"Rescued?By a Shifter?"I sighed and explained everything to them.

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(Drew's POV):

I sighed as the maid bandaged my wounds.Now that my parents and May's mom were rescued,we can now work on how to bring down those Shifters,if our parents get along. -_- I should have thought this through.

I glanced at the other soldiers,they were healing alright.My eyes widened when the door bursts open.Great,Brianna's here,along with Takeo and a few of his friends.

"Drew!Are you okay?What happened to you?"She asked me frantically,cupping my face in her hands.I threw her an annoyed look.

"Go away.You're making my condition worst."She pouted at me,and I sighed.


"Just go."I cut her off.She stomped out of the room.

"Well.At least you learned how to take care of yourself.'"I looked at my right and saw Sora smirking at me.She was now in a normal condition,which is good.

"She's annoying the hell outta me."I mumbled.The door bursts open again and May frantically ran inside,with her family.

"Drew!"She exclaimed.Her face showed worry and fear,causing me to grow worried."The Shifters are on their way to the West!"My eyes widened and I stood up.

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(Sora's POV):

(A/N:I suggest you listen to epic battle songs.This is going to be one heck of a fight!)

I clutched my large sword as we waited outside my kingdom for the Shifters.The people evacuated to the East,while us soldiers will stay here to fight.Norman sent here some of his soldiers to boost up our defenses.

I waited and waited in the front lines,my long hair being blown by the winds as I gazed at the horizon.Rain began to fall,and I almost shivered.Damn,of all things,why cold weather?

I gasped as I got tackled to the ground by a Stoutland Shifter.I kicked him on the stomach to get him off me and got on my feet.I charged toward him and jumped up,doing a backflip in the air,and lifted up my sword to plunge it at his vulnerable spot:his back.I was successful.The Shifter let out a roar and fell down the ground,his blood forming a crimson pool around him.I turned around and noticed that the battle has already started.

I ran toward Rafe,who was too busy fighting off a Fearow Shifter he didn't notice a Cacturne Shifter raise up its arms to attack with Needle Arm.

"Rafe!Watch out!"I shouted and blocked the Needle Arm before he gets hit.I sliced the Cacturne's head off,its greenish blood splattered on my face as I kicked its body away from me.I fell back,but was held by Rafe before I fell down.He helped me get up.

I smiled t him."Thanks."He suddenly took out a small knife and raised it up to plunge it at my head.I gasped and shut my eyes,but nothing happened.I opened them and saw Rafe's arm beside my head.A Machoke fell down,Rafe's blade deeply embedded in his head.I gasped in shock and almost fainted with relief.I soon noticed that Rafe's arm was know...Holding me as if he's hugging me.Well,this is awkward.

Rafe's face flushed red as he stepped back and picked up his broadsword.We began to work together,and gosh,I never knew we could be this perfect as a team.

I jumped up and grabbed a Shifter in his human form with my legs,his neck locked tightly in between my ankles.With my hands supporting myself on the ground,I swung my body,sending the Shifter flying up to the sky.I picked up my sword,still supporting myself on the ground upside down with my free hand,then Rafe grabbed me by the legs, and threw me up.I gripped my sword as I 'flew' up to catch up with the Shifter,who was now a Swellow.When I reached the Shifter midair,I slashed my sword across his chest.He screeched when I grabbed him as we were now being pulled by gravity.I kicked him,causing him to crash to the ground,and I smashed my foot on his back,a hole forming around him as he sank deeper into the ground.

I jumped off,almost losing balance.Rafe gave me the thumbs up sign.

"We make a good team."I commented as I punched a nearby Lucario Shifter on the face,then lock his head with my arm and snap his neck.He fell down to the ground,dead.I know I sound like a serial killer,but I'm not.I only kill if they deserve to die,and the Shifters deserve to die.

I could have sworn I saw Rafe's face pinken at my words.I gasped when he pushed me to the ground,our faces bumping into each other as we avoided a Flamethrower.

Rafe shielded me from the flames.He groaned out in pain as his back got burned,his head fell next to mine in exhaustion and he winced in pain whenever he moved.I instantly stood up and helped him stand on his feet,trying to protect him at the same time.

I sent out my Latios and placed the injured Rafe on his back,trying hard not to hurt him.Rafe moaned out in pain.

"Shhh.It's okay."I said in a soothing voice.He saved me.Why?I thought he doesn't really like me that much?He only thinks of me as a mere girl.I guess...He's not that bad.

I gritted my teeth as I sent out Rayquaza."This war is just starting!The Easterns are no longer our enemies,but our friends!Our real enemies,"I thrust my sword forward."Are no other than the Shifters!"My fellow Westerns who heard me let out a battle cry.

We're going to fight on.For our kingdom,for our people.

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(May's POV):

I gazed out by the window,wondering if my friends are going to be alright.

"They're going to be okay.I know it."I almost jumped in surprise as Drew sat down next to me.He also stared out the window.

"How can you tell?"I asked him.

"I trust Sora and Takeo.They are the best soldiers in the kingdom.If they led the army,I know they'd win without a scratch."I smirked at me.I nodded,but I'm still having doubts.

"Guess you're right."I sighed.Without thinking,I grabbed Drew's hand."I'm just worried."I squeezed his hand.He squeezed back,to my surprise.

"I promise that they'll be fine..."

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Whew!Finally done!So,do you like the fight scene?I was writing while listening to epic battle songs.XD Do not blame me for having a crazy imagination!


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