Chapter 12:Sentenced to Death

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(Normal POV):

Drew and the others grunted as the Shifters threw them in a cell.Then the Shifters threw in an unconcious Sora,but was caught by Rafe and Hiro before her head hits the floor.Takeo,Rafe and Hiro were scared to death as they tried to stop the bleeding on Sora's wounds.

"Please.Stay alive."May prayed quietly as Rafe took off his shirt and handed it to Hiro to cover her wounds.Hiro slowly took off her battle armor,blushing a bit as he removed her shirt.The boys' faces reddened as they tried to avoid looking at her 'melons'.This is not a time to act like perverts.

Hiro slowly pressed Rafe's shirt on Sora's wound to stop the bleeding,then wrapped it around her and tied it in a knot.He put on Sora's shirt,still blushing a bit each time his hands brush against her soft skin.(A/N:Kill me now.Arceus,I hate myself for writing about this -_-)

Sora's eyes snapped open and she bolted up,panting heavily and her eyes filled with tears.She groaned out in pain as she felt a sharp pain on her back."Shhh.Calm down."Hiro told her in a hushed tone.Sora nodded,then her eyes widened as she felt Hiro's lips on her soft ones.(A/N:I*Bang*Hate*Bang*My*Bang*Self*)

Rafe gritted his teeth while Takeo looked down,not wanting to watch.Hiro pulled back and pulled Sora in a tight hug."Don't scare me like that."He murmured quietly.Sora nodded.

"I won't."She answered.They were interrupted by a cough.They turned around and gritted their teeth when they saw Brianna and the leader of the Shifters waiting outside.

"You promised,Akuma.Now,let go of Sir Drew."Brianna told the leader sternly.Akuma shook his head.

"Unfortunately,Drew has done a lot of sins to us.He killed almost all of my brothers.And he shall pay."Akuma answered.

"No.You told me if I help you,you'd make Sir Drew marry me."Brianna protested.

"You can marry my son if you want."Akuma offered.Brianna have no choice but to obey.She sighed and looked sadly at Drew.

"May I...speak to Sora in private?"Brianna asked.Akuma nodded as a guard took Sora and dragged her away.

"Wait!Don't take her!"Hiro shouted.

* * *

Sora sat down a wooden chair on the opposite side of Brianna,a small smile on her face as she faced Brianna.Brianna looked a bit guilty.

"I can't believe it."Sora muttered with a small smile,trying to hide the pain in her heart."That we used to be friends."Ever since Sora was taken in by the Westerns,Brianna was her friend.It's because of Sora that Brianna learned how to stand up for herself,to never be afraid and fight.It's also because of her that Brianna was like this.

"This is all my fault.I'm sorry."Brianna felt tears run down her eyes.Sora stood up,ignoring the pain on her back,and pulled Brianna in a tight embrace.

Brianna has been through a lot.She belongs to a rich family,but her parents never loved her or noticed her.They only raised her so she could take over the family business.The maidens took care of Brianna,giving off what little love they can offer,but they were too busy.Ever since then,Brianna lived alone,she was homeschooled and doesn't have any friends.But that changed when Sora entered her life.Brianna found Sora sobbing under a tree,then she asked what was wrong.That incident caused an unbreakable friendship between them.Brianna learned to stand up for herself,but she was still shy around some people.

But when Brianna met Drew,everything changed.She doesn't know how to win a boy's heart,so she always stalk him,pounce on him and more.When Sora betrayed them all,Brianna was angered.Then everything changed when Sora became Drew's bodyguard,she snapped.Brianna started hating Sora,and Sora always have no choice but to keep her away from Drew.

"Don't blame yourself."Sora whispered."This is what I get for back stabbing you and forgetting you."Sora smiled warmly at Brianna.Brianna bursted to tears as she gazed at Sora's smile.

"I wonder...How you were able to stay strong after all those suffering,after all the hardships.You don't deserve any of this.I've been so selfish."Brianna sobbed.Sora rubbed her back.Brianna was about to speak,but was interrupted by a Shifter.

"Time's up."A Shifter pulled Sora away,leaving Brianna on her own.


"You really are a worthless dog!"Akuma spat at Hiro's face."You told me you're going to join them,then kill the royal families while they're sleeping!"He punched Hiro on the face,leaving a large bruise on his face.(A/N:Finally!)

Hiro stood still as Takeo and Rafe glared at him."I knew it you're a traitor."Rafe muttered.Hiro face the leader,giving Akuma a cold glare.

"But I changed.I'm not going to hurt Sora and the others.All you wanted was power,and you involved me in your stupid war!"Hiro spat back.

At the exact same time,Sora was thrown inside the cell,groaning in pain as she landed on her back."Sora!"Hiro exclaimed and ran toward her.Sora sat up and smiled at them.Rafe have a bad feeling about that smile,and he paled when he heard her words at Akuma.

"Akuma,please,spare my friends."Sora pleaded."I'll pay for their sins to you.It's not Drew who killed your brothers.It's me..."Sora smiled at Akuma.The leader of the Shifters narrowed his eyes at her.

"Sora..."Takeo murmured and gave her a look that means 'don't do this'.

Sora shook her head at her friends and turned toward Akuma."Please.Torture me,kill me,do anything to me,just please,spare everyone."Akuma sighed,then nodded.

"Take them away,but leave the girl."They took away her friends,who were squirming and screaming,while Sora was taken away for trial.

* * *

Sora was on trial at the Shifter's plaza.Her hands were binded,and she was facing all of the Shifters,who wer giving her glares.

"Based on what my men told me,you,Sora Keyheart,are hereby sentenced to death.Archers,get ready."At Akuma's words,an archer got ready,his bow and arrow pointing only at one target.Brianna was among the crowd,watching with tears on her eyes as Sora took a deep breath."Any last words,Keyheart?"

Sora sighed and smiled at the leader."All I wanted to say was that,if my friends were anywhere here,I would like to thank them for everything.That's all."The Shifters were taken aback by her smile and words.Is she really the fearsome warrior they heard about?Akuma shook his head,then raised his left hand,signalling to the archer.

Sora took a deep breath,then felt a tear roll down her left eye,but she continued smiling.She faced death so many times,and this was no different from the others.She's glad she have so many good friends,now she once again risked her life for her friends,for her kingdom.She smiled at the sky and there's nothing more but a deafening silence.

A groan was heard as the sound of someone collapsing to the ground ended the silence.The last drop of tear fell in the pool of blood,another victim of Death was taken....

* * *

Now you guys can strangle me.-_-Kill me now.I was crying a river because I'm also listening to Servant of Evil by Len Kagamine,the song oddly connects with the story for some reason.Okay,bye!

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