Chapter 38:The Forbidden Ritual

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"May and Drew are kidnapped?!"Takeo asked in shock when the messenger informed him.The messenger nodded with a grim look on his face,looking down.

"And Lady Sora's unit has fled from the battlefield,but there has been no reports about her condition.I'm afraid Lady Sora has either fled,was lost or..."The soldier's lower lip quivered,not wanting to say the last one.But Takeo refused to believe that Sora is dead.He knows her...She's not dead.

'While she's gone...'He thought.'Guess I'll fill in for her position.'He nodded,then dismissed the messenger.

He then turned to all the soldiers,waiting for him to tell the news.Takeo looked at them all with a blank expression,then said in monotone,"Lets go.We march to the Shifters' base and destroy it,then victory will surely be ours."

The soldiers nodded,then prepared to march.Takeo lowered his head,praying for the safety of his friends.If May and Drew were used for the ritual....He doesn't know.He doesn't want to find out.All he knows,it's the end of everything,which is why the Shifters must be stopped.

* * *

Rafe ran inside an abandoned temple,desperately searching for Sora.Where the heck is she?He thought as he turned a corner.Left,right,left,straight ahead,he felt as if he's been running in circles.He's getting himself to nowhere.He's gonna have to trust his instincts right now,he has no clue of where the Dragoness might be.

He froze when he suddenly heard an ear-splitting scream.It contains agony,fear...Shock.Rafe had a bad feeling about this,something bad is gonna happen.He instantly withdrew his sword,then took careful steps to the direction of the scream.

He sighed with relief when he caught a glimpse of blue.It's Sora's armor.He finally found her!

Her back was turned to him,she was kneeling on one knee in front of something,clutching on her sword for support,which was implanted to the ground.

But something's wrong.Something is definitely wrong.

Rafe backed away a bit when Sora spun around,then she pulled her sword off the ground.Her face was blood-stained as well as her armor,arms and legs.Rafe saw a dead Weavile,its black blood and body parts scattered around and mixed with Sora's own blood.

Sora started to laugh maniacally,raising her head up and clutching her head.That's when he caught a glimpse of the high-light in her hair.It's now black,as well as her eyes.She giggled uncontrollably,then placed her heavy sword beside her.Blood flowed down her face,followed by her tears,making it hard to figure out her emotions if she's crying or laughing.

She's in her demon form,awakened because of pain.

"Enjoying other people's pain..."She muttered and raised her sword up,then thrust it forward,pointing it at Rafe.He froze and stared in horror as Sora's body shook.She let out a giggle,a dark aura forming around her.

Rafe realized...He's late!The demon inside her has completely possessed her,there's no way he can get her back now.She's now a demon,a killer...A madwoman.She now knows nothing more but kill,kill and kill.She'll bring destruction and make the others feel pain,laughing as she watch them suffer.She's now a completely different person,someone who shows no mercy to her victims,someone who kills for fun,someone who never loves...

'I'm not too late!'Rafe smacked himself,then prepared to fight.Maybe...Maybe there's another way.This demon kept haunting him in his dreams,he knows almost everything about it except how to get rid of it.Guess he'll have to try many things,but carefully.He doesn't want to hurt Sora during the process.

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