Chapter 6: Rescued! By a Shifter?

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(May's POV):

I found myself in a dark room. It's so dark, I can't even see what's in front of me. I looked around, trying to find something that would help me with this situation. I suddenly gasped when men surrounded me, leering at me and staring at me with devious smiles. One of them transformed into a Gallade, followed by the others. I screamed out when a Venasaur Shifter grabbed me with his Vine Whip. I struggled to free myself, but the Venasaur only tightened his grip on me. I tried kicking, but nothing happened. So all I could do was scream helplessly.

I soon heard another scream echoing through the dark room. "May!" My eyes widened when I saw a flash of green. Drew was thrown in front of me, his arms binded together by a strong rope. He gritted his teeth when he saw me and tried to stand up, but a Shifter stepped on his back.

"I guess the Prince can't do anything if he doesn't have any of his royal guards with him." The Shifter smirked. Drew glared at him and squirmed, only to get kicked in the face. I stared in horror as the Shifters beat him up. All I could do was watch Drew suffer, tears streaming down my face and begging at them to stop. When he was kicked again in the face, I couldn't take it anymore. I have to fight back!

"Let me go!" I screamed as I tried to gnaw on the vines. The Venasaur growled and slammed me to a wall. Oww! This is much more painful than it looks. I wonder how Sora was able to survive being hit on the wall a lot of times. Wait. Realization hit me. "Sora!" I shouted. She wasn't here, she's not with Drew. Where could she be? What happened to my best friend?

I soon heard some people laugh. I gasped when I saw some Shifters push a large chunk of ice towards us. "Do you think she'll make it in there?" One asked.

"Nah. That Dragon Girl can handle anything, but ice, no. A dragon's weakness is ice, so we just froze her." His fellow Shifter laughed. My eyes widened when I examined the chunk of ice. Sora was curled up in a ball and was inside the chunk of ice, trapped and maybe stuck in a nightmare because her face showed frozen pain and fear, frozen tears streaming down her cheeks. She wasn't moving, nor breathing,just. . . Frozen. My eyes watered as I tried to squirm more violently. Drew was doing the same, his face red with anger at the sight of the Young Dragoness being frozen, possibly. . . dead.

"Sora!" I screamed out, tears streaming down my cheeks. I can't lose my best friend again, I can't. The Shifters just laughed at my feeble attempts to free myself, and I gave them my deadliest glare. "You guys are going to pay!" I screamed out. This just made them laugh harder.

These kind of men make me sick. They're lucky I'm not that violent enough to murder them.

I noticed that one of them isn't laughing along with them. He had this emotionless face as he stared at Sora through the ice. I instantly recognized this dude, he's the one who kissed her and put her in a paralyzed state! Now my rage is building up!

Drew was now on his feet, and he tried to reach for his Pokéballs, but was kicked by a Shifter. "Trying to fight back, huh? Too bad, Dragon Girl here is dead and you might join her in the Land of the Dead." More tears spilled out from my eyes at his words. Sora's dead. . . . . ?

I finally accepted the fact that she's gone now. I hung my head and sobbed quietly to myself.

Sora. . . I lost my best, best friend, the girl who was said to survive a lot of attacks, the girl who suffered through a lot, but managed to keep smiling and fight on.

I hung my head as warm tears escaped my eyes. "S-Sora." I sobbed. Why, of all people, must it be her? Why can't I just die instead of her? Why does she have to go through much suffering?

'If you get hurt and you want to cry,' Sora's voice rang inside my head, the vivid image of her smile in my mind. 'Just let it all out and tell me! I'm always there for you!' Those words. . . . That's what she always tells me whenever I get hurt, whenever I graze my knee ,bump anything, fall on the floor etc. She's always there when we were kids. And now, she's gone. More tears flowed like a river down my face as I screamed at Sora's direction.

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