Chapter 30:The Lost Village

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Before we start,sorry I haven't updated in a while.I wus grounded,and I annoyed my parents to death,so they finally surrendered my phone.XD

Anyways,depressed_gothic's works inspired me to write this.Readers,please go check out her books!Oh.This is gonna be a bit similar to Fatal Frame 2,but not completely like Fatal Frame.I don't like copying,except during exams XD I'm a bad girl.

And please get ready to play a song named Just Call My Name by TsukikoAmano (The Japanese version is Zero no Chouritsu) This is all gonna be in Sora's point of view,just think you're in the situation with her.Just pretend you're mute XD

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(Sora's POV):

I sat down on a rock in front of a beautiful spring located in one of the temple's hidden chambers,staring at my own reflection.I sometimes wonder whenever I gaze at my reflection,why can't you trust the mirror?Is it because it's trying to fool you?Or is it because it reflects what you look like,not who you are?

My eyes suddenly widened when my reflection changed.My hair turned shorter,my small and slender frame grew a bit...muscular,my armor changed and my face almost completely changed.The man staring back at me in the water had the same shocked expression as I have.

I suddenly smiled and reached my hand towards the guy,my small and slender fingers touching the cool,clear water.I gasped when I felt his warm hand touch mine,then took a few steps back as the man emerged out of the pool.I grinned and pulled him in a great big bear hug and shouted out his name.

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