Chapter 36:Fighting 'Til The End

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All of them,suffering and facing their weaknesses,not knowing what to do.They're all confused,not knowing what's even going on nor when or if it's gonna end.

Takeo's eyes widened in as he dawned into realization.He grabbed Sora,then pushed her away.Her eyes widened in shock as the Lunar Warrior smiled kindly at her,his two-toned eyes shining.

"I know...Sora.You're a rare flower to find.It took me a thousand years to find someone like you,but,"Takeo lowered his head,his navy blue bangs covering his eyes.(A/N:Lemme be the first one to say that I'm a Takeo fangirl!Yea!It's strange,but I fangirl over my OC >.<)

"Love...It's not just about making yourself happy.It's about caring for someone.I'm willing to do anything just to see Sora smile,a smile so rare,yet so beautiful."Takeo grinned when the darkness started to light up.He's almost there.He can feel it."I got to admit,I really wanted to be with Sora,but we're not fated to be together.Her heart is supposed to belong to someone,but it's utterly destroyed,replaced by a new one,even though it's just half of someone else's heart."Takeo cupped his mouth with his hands,getting ready to yell so tht the whole world will know,know how much he cares for her."I'D RATHER BE HURT THAN SEE HER GET HURT!!!I'M WILLING TO TAKE SACRIFICES!"Takeo stopped as the light slowly engulfed him,taking him away as the voice screamed out in agony."That's what love is."

* * *

May was now fighting the demon trying to control her,but she can't.Her pain is too powerful,making her more vulnerable and easier to take.What's more,Drew was making out with a random girl in front of her,doubling the pain in her heart.


May's eyes snapped open when she came to a realization.This is a test!She was being tested!She suddenly smiled at Drew,causing the tattoo to disappear and flee her body,as if a simple smile could burn it.She felt herself be released when her smile grew wider.

"Pain...You're using pain against me."May smiled,then giggled."But soon,the pain will disappear.Drew promised he'd never do that to me.He may be a jerk,but not jerky enough to hurt me."The voice started to moan in pain,a faint light glowed amidst the darkness."I doesn't matter if he's a playboy,he can still change."

The voice started to scream as the light glowed brighter,glowing as bright as May's smile.

"Pain...We can never avoid it...Either physically or emotionally."May repeated Sora's words,smiling as the image of her friends appeared in her head,smiling.But one of them made her smile more.Drew."But there's always a way to heal pain."She said.

That finished off the voice.The darkness was now replaced by ligh,the voice faded away and May found herself back in the castle.She smiled and cheered,glad that she made it.

* * *

Rafe backed away before Sora could slice his head off,but she quickly turned and kicked him on the face,sending her flying.She giggled madly as she raised her sword up in the air,changing it into a scythe.

"Farewell!~"She said in a sing-song voice,getting ready to stab him.

If this is what you choose...So be it...

The voice whispered.Rafe's eyes suddenly widened when he came into a realization.'Tis nothing more but a test for him,they were testing him.He smirked and got up,then grabbed Sora.

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