Chapter 17:Changing

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"Sora!"The Young Dragoness was tackled to the ground by her friends,hugging and telling her 'we're glad you're back to normal's.She laughed as Riku squeezed her tightly.

"Glad you're back."Norman smiled.Sora smiled back and nodded.

"Yeah.I just realized that you guys need me in this war.So I threw away my old self and now,Sora Keyheart is reborn,like a phoenix!"She shouted,pumping her fist to the air.

Rafe was smiling,for the first time,in front of Sora.She's back,the Young Dragoness is back,and this would sure boost up the army's fighting spirit.

"Stop smiling at me just because I'm back!We still have more Shifters to take care of!"Sora shouted,causing the others to laugh.She's back,alright.

* * *

May gasped as her bracelet began to glow,just as it came in contact with Drew's jade one,so did Drew's.

"W-what's happening?!"May asked frantically at Drew, trembling in fear of what might happen.The prince stayed calm.

"Relax."He told her calmly,but May won't calm down.

"Calm down?!How do you expect me to calm down?"Just as she finished her sentence,the two bracelets let out a blinding glow.May and Drew averted their gazes from the bracelets as it glowed brighter and brighter,then,it stopped.

May and Drew collapsed to the ground.

(May's POV):

I slowly opened my eyes,growing a bit dizzy as I tried to stand up.I feel.....strange.Then I realized that:one,I'm floating,two,I don't have any hands and legs,three,my neck grew longer and four,there's a Shiny Darkrai in front of me.I screamed,but my voice came out like 'Cressse!Lia!'

I gasped when I caught sight of myself in the mirror.No.No.This can't be....

* * *

(Normal POV):

Rafe almost smiled as Sora raised up her sword.The soldiers began to cheer,glad that Sora is back.The Young Dragoness grinned.

"May Dradian guide us through this war.And I hope you forgive me for the trouble I caused to all of you."Sora apologized sincerely.She was guilty,she made them all worried,she made the two kingdoms worried,all because she fell in love with a Shifter.She's going to make things right.

"Lady Sora,it's not your fault!"One soldier shouted.The others agreed with him.Sora couldn't help but smile and nod.

She took out a knife,then she grabbed her loooong ponytail.Everyone watched as the Dragoness carefully cut a few inches of her hair.She untied her hair,which now reaches below her waist instead of under her knees,then she let the wind blow away the hair she cut off.

Everyone gasped.This is a sign,a sign for all the people.Sora closed her eyes as she sang out the Guardian's Lullaby.

"Tue Rei Ze Croa Riou Tue Ze

Croa Riou Ze Tue Riou Rei Neu Riou Ze

Va Rei Ze Tue Neu Tue Riou Tue Croa

Riou Rei Croa Riou Ze Rei Va Ze Rei

Va Neu Va Rei Va Neu Va Ze Rei

Croa Riou Croa Neu Tue Rei Croa Riiu Ze Rei Va

Rei Va Neu Croa Tue Rei Rei...."

Sora smiled at everyone as she raised up her sword."Let us ride into battle!"She shouted,and was responded by battle cries.

* * *

(Drew's POV):

"Drew!Drew!Wake up!Please!"My eyes fluttered open as I regain consciousness.My eyes widened when I saw a Cresselia before me.

"Drew!"I can hear May's voice,but she's not here.Where is she?

I caught sight of myself in a mirror and gasped.Instead of my tall,good-looking self,a Darkrai was staring at me,wearing the same expression as I have.

I looked at my hands,and they are no longer human hands,instead they are black arms.

"What the hell happened?"I asked as I noticed I was floating up in the air.The Cresselia,which I figured is May,shook her head.

"I don't know."She replied.That's when I caught sight of a sapphire necklace on her neck.Could it be?

"May,take off your necklace."I told her.She nodded and used her beak to remove the bracelet.Just as she removed it,she began to glow.

May was now on the floor,but she's not wearing any clothes.My face turned red as I turned around.

"Go change."I ordered as I made my way to my room.Now I know what these bracelets do,they turn is into Pokémon.Maybe,just maybe,we'll find a way to use these against the Shifters.

There's still hope.

* * *

I know.Boring chapter.But next chapter is going to be awesome!I guarantee it!Ok,Pyro is now off.Bye!

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