Chapter 3: Another Hostage Was Taken

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(May's POV):

I carefully placed a bow on my head, admiring its cuteness from the mirror and smiled. But I sighed and gave up, admitting to myself that it's no use. I was trying to find something else to distract me from thinking about Drew, but I failed. I can't get his smirk, his beautiful green eyes and his green hair out of my head. It's as if he's carved into my mind and I can't get rid of him in my head. I just wish I could see him again. I don't know what made my desire to see him again stronger, but I don't care. I want to meet him.

'Keep dreaming, May. He's a Western, while you're an Eastern. What's more ,he's the Prince,and you're the Princess. You. Are. Not. Allowed. To. See. Him. Again." My conscience told me firmly. I could almost see her stern look.

The day I met Drew was just yesterday, yet it felt as if it was years ago. I yearned to see his smirk again, everything about him. I sighed again, deciding that I need some fresh air, and I made my way out of my room. I opened the door. I froze when I met a pair of ruby eyes. I was greeted by my best friend, Brendan, with his usual friendly smile. (A/N: I dunno what Brendan's eye color is, so lets say its ruby -.- )

"Hey, May!" He waved his hand, but I didn't speak nor waved back. I just looked down, sighing and taking a deep breath. Brendan noticed this and raised an eyebrow at me. "What's with the long face?" He asked, making me jump and realize he's still there. I instantly regained my composure and smiled, shaking my head to assure him I'm alright. The last thing I wanted is to worry my best friend.

"Nothing. Why are you here?" I asked him. His smile disappeared, replaced by a serious expression. That expression made me feel a hunch as if something is going to happen, or something already happened. It may be bad. I braced myself for whatever news he's gonna tell me about.

"We heard news that two Westerns are now here." My eyes widened. Could it be? Drew and Sora are here? I mentally slapped myself. There's no way they'll travel here. They might be different Westerns. But maybe. . .

"Where are they now?" I quickly asked. Brendan shrugged at me, furrowing his eyebrows as he tried to recall what he heard. He soon snapped his fingers and informed me with a grin.

"They're heading toward the courtyard. They wanted to speak with you and your family." Without uttering a single word, I rushed toward the court to see who those Westerns are.

* * *

(Takeo's POV):

I glanced at Sora, who was nervously gripping my hand as we made our way to the Eastern kingdom's court. I could feel her hand trembling in mine, and her palm is sweaty. She was a bit nervous, okay, I admit I'm also nervous, I'm nervous of losing Sora again. What if they try to kill us? It's not like we can just enter here and easily reach the courtyard with no soldiers waiting for us with weapons. What's more, it's only the two of us with a spear and sword, we can't defend ourselves if they ambush us or something.

Sora flinched as many citizens in the village gave us weird looks, their gazes not leaving us. Some men were leering at Sora, sometimes winking at her and licking their lips, so I pulled Sora closer and told her to ignore those perverts.

We put on our helmets so no one could see our faces as we entered the courtyard. Many soldiers were waiting for us, pointing their weapons at us as we approached the king and queen who were sitting on their thrones. Beside them is the princess and the young prince. The king and the young prince were glaring at us.

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