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GUYS, I'M SO OVERWHELMED AND HAPPY THAT PEOPLE ARE GENUINELY ENJOYING MY BOOK, it honestly means everything to me. You guys make me so happy and I can't thank you enough. The constant love and support shown makes my day so in honour of that, I want to make a quick and big shoutout to some people that have shown INSANE love.

and Lollytajnrk

Those are some people that have commented and voted like crazy yesterday and I loved reading and replying to each and every comment. Please go check out their books, they all are very talented and please just show them some love! I'm trying to keep this short (and failing) but I just lastly wanted to say that you guys made my day and I couldn't do this without all of you taking precious time out of your day to read my book!

Vote - Comment - Share (If you wanna but I'd appreciate it if you did. But you don't have to. But please do.)


Thalia Lively

My alarm clock rang obnoxiously and I woke up groaning at the light piercing into my eyes, coming from the open curtained windows.

"Wake up, bedhead." Nonna pulled my blankets off of me and I sat glaring at her back, this is not how I like waking up. I hated waking up under any and all circumstances but there are some good ways to wake up— this was the worst way. The forceful way.

"Nonna." I whined, wanting my warm blankets back. It was freezing in this house.

"Don't you 'Nonna' me." She mocked me. "Common wake up, I made you breakfast and you need to get ready for school." She neatly folding my extra blankets as she talked. She set them on my bed and walked over, kissing my forehead before making her way downstairs.

I checked my phone as it vibrated on my nightstand.

I'm not coming to school today, dentist appointment.

Oh great, leave me alone at my new school where you're the only person I talk to.

AHAHAHAA SORRY, it's not my choice to go though! You think I want to have some guy's hands all up in my mouth?

I'm kidding, have fun with that. I need to get ready for school, I'll call you later.

Ha sucker, you have to go to that hellhole. Okay sorry, bye!

I threw my phone somewhere on my bed and got up tiredly, rubbing my eyes. I don't have enough energy to do anything at the moment, I feel like death. I looked at the clock quickly as I scanned my room, having my eyes snap right back to the clock once I realized the time.


I have about fifteen minutes to get ready, eat and then drive to school that was five minutes away. I have five minutes to get ready and only five minutes to eat my breakfast.

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