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Three years later...


My office is killing me. This Rio is now enjoying his honey moon with my best friend and me is now stuck with office and my wife. She is turning crazy day by day and day by day i am falling for her hard. Taking my car from my lot i drove back to my mansion. For the past three years my life was changed. Saumya my little tulip painted my life with her love and smile and now we are having a kid who is one and a half years. 

Yes she accepted me fully by soul and heart. But to the fact she hates beard. She used to yell at me like hell till i get myself shaved but you know my little boy loves to pull my beard while my wife hates it. So half time for him half time for her. I love when her face turns angry when she yells at me. 

Even today morning when i was starting for my work she yelled at me with her colourful words. Should say she has got a beautiful sense of imagination at times very dangerous imagination. 

Could you for got sake shave your face Athu it is irritating to look with beard idiot. 

Turning to her i saw her deep and said with a smirk

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Turning to her i saw her deep and said with a smirk. " But someone said it was so good to have beard in my face so that in sleep some one can scratch their face. Well aparently it was not me wifie." i said and was thankfully answered by a pillow. 

Pillow fight in the night my love i said teasingly earning a slap from her. Even though her fingers are small slap was hard. 

That was a beautiful memory to cherish till i take my last breathe. 

When i stepped inside the room i found wifie talking to my picture. 

"You are one tailless monkey". I am a what ?? let me tell her how much the this monkey is ruthless. " You know what athu ??" she continued snapping her finger infront of my pic. I kept my ears sharp to hear what is my love confessing not to me but to my picture. 

I think i am falling in love with you. DO you know when you see me as if i was some goddess i feel myself special. You make me special, you make me feel i'm precious, you make me feel as if i'm a lucky charm, which i was not i know that but still you make me feel the happiest woman in the life. You are good enough for any woman in this earth. You will make her feel the most luckiest woman on earth but what did you see me to make me feel like this. Your eyes they say i am beautiful but i know i am not. 

But what did i do to have you in my life ?? You make me look at myself better. Am i really worthy of your love ?? I could feel her voice crack. Without thinking i walked to her and scooped her in my arms. She held me tight and her feet is now few inches away from the ground. 

"Your the best thing that happened to me wifie. Your mere presence make my life meaningful so never ok never say that was my love worth for you." It is not even close. You deserve better and I'm worst when it comes to leaving you. I found you. I took you. I caged you and now I'm cherishing you. I said and she saw me with her eyes wide. I wanted to kiss her so bad. I tried to but would stop. I never dared to hurt my wifie my angel. She saw my lips and my eyes. Was it a silent gester of asking me to kiss her. Let her take the lead. Let her decide what she wants from me. Let her rule me and ruin me. She slowly bend down to me. Her little finger brushing my hard skin which made me burn in sensation. I stood there to know what is she trying to do. She slowly leaned on to me and it was a feathery touch when her soft lips met my hard ones. My eyes widened to process of what was happening. I couldn't understand what the heck was happening. I was so shocked to respond but before i could think she started to pull herself back away from me.

His Secret Temptation Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now