New life...

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On the way back home, i couldn't help but stare at my pretty woman who is sleeping in my arms. It felt too good to have her around me, she wrapped me with her tiny pinky finger. I chuckled when she mumbled something in her sleep. 

I said everything what she needs to know not what all happened, because i don't want saumya to hate Rio the way i did. I don't want her to hate anyone. She promised me to be with me forever and that is a chance for me to live. She turned to see me and smiled at me in a sleepy way. It made me swell in happiness. Come i said opening my arms. She snuggled into my embrace. Kissing on her head i kept my cheek on her head and held her tight and watched the roads i am going to travel with my wife in my arms.

Finally we reached. Saumya dragged herself and walked like a sloth. Gosh she is too adorable to see like this. Athu... she called me. I turned and saw her. She leaned on my heart and snuggled and slept and slowly she dragged to down.

Wifie wifie.. i shook her but she is so much dedicated to her sleep. Arzoo came to greet me but was greeted with our shock. Smirking at her i picked saumya in my arms and took her to my room. She mumbled in her sleep when i placed her on the bed. Tapping her head until she settles i was about to get up. She held my hand and made me sit on the bed. Slowly crawing she settled in my lap and made me pat her. Arzoo came and saw us with her jaw dropping. I chuckled. My bestie is sure one drama queen.

How ?? She mouthed. We sorted everything like everything i said while Arzoo came and sat on the corner of the bed. I found sawmya is sleeping soundly. Arzoo caressed Saumya's head and saw me with a smile. It said she is finally happy to see me smile.

I spoke about Chetna i said making Arzoo shocked. "You what ??" She snapped.

"Shush..." i shushed her when i found Saumya getting disturbed in her sleep. "Yes i spoke about Chetna" i completed. "Means she knows who is Rio and.... "

"No...." i replied before she could complete the sentence. Then how ?? She asked me. She was confused and that was all over her face. "Well she knew what is required Arzoo", i said which made her think. She nodded as she was out of words. "I don't know what to say Advay but i am happy that you know..." she said pointing at us, with her head on my lap and a smile on my face. I nodded and said " Thank you..." Slowly placing Saumya back to the bed i walked out circling Arzoo's neck. It has been like decades i smiled and i think i just wanna scream out loud in my happiness. 

So how are you Arzoo ?? I asked her. "Good i guess but now I'm happy to see my buddy smile like a stupid teenager", that was an insult. But i smiled. Ofcourse i was like a love struck puppy and I'm loving this feel.

"So this is how it will be right ?? Falling and being in love ??", she nodded her head with her known dimple smile. I pulled her in a bear hug and stood there rooted. She was my best friend a soul sister to be fact. 

It is still funny that i gave her the name now she is titled. ARZOO. George ones said i couldn't get her real name and so i titled herArzoo which he made her as her name. She was the gift from the gods to make sure i am alive.

Your my best friend remember ?? I asked her. She wiped a small film of tears adoring her cute eyes and said say something i don't know Advay or should say Athu....

Rio he said didn't he i snapped and she chuckled. I'll kill that donkey i flared. She held my hand and saw me. I knew what she is upto and also what will be the answer from me.

Please don't ask me that Arzoo. I can't. I answered before she could even think of asking to forgive him. His stupidity has caused a life my Chetna.

His Secret Temptation Book 1 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now