Chapter 63 | They've Got To Be Kidding Me

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We were all sitting around the dining table in the dining room with foods everywhere on it and the roasted turkey was placed in the middle. Olivia took the first dibs on the seat at the head of the table and all the two couples were sitting across from me and Luke.

"Well, isn't this just great? Now, I'm the seventh wheel here," Olivia rolled her eyes when everyone was indulged in their own conversations with their partners. And that included me.

"I've told you, Liv," Oliver said. "You shouldn't have played hard to get with Darrel."

"Hey, don't blame me," Olivia pointed her knife at her brother. "Blame the internet for making me believe that playing hard-to-get makes men even more interested in you."

"Well, it depends on what kind of guy you're playing hard-to-get with," I found myself chiming in. "If he really loves you, he will never stop trying to win your heart. But if he gives up that easily, then, I guess, he's not meant for you."

I could see from the corner of my eyes, a smile spread thwart on Luke's lips. He probably noticed that I was actually talking about us. But I didn't consider myself as playing hard to get with Luke before. It was more like I detested him so much that I didn't know there was more of him than just an asshole.

Everyone around the table stopped whatever the hell they were doing, looking at me in disbelief like they had never heard me talking so wisely about
relationship stuffs. Well, yeah I had never spoken up anything about mushy, love things. I'd always avoided that kind of conversation and just shrugged whenever they asked for my opinion. But now, I didn't know why did I join them discussing about this matter.

"Oh my god," Sara slowly enunciated each word. "Lennox, you've changed!"

"Something must've changed her," Oliver narrowed his eyes at me.

And his girlfriend corrected him as she wiggled her eyebrows at me, "Someone must've changed her."

"Guys, I was just saying. It's not that big of a deal," I rolled my eyes at all of them.

"Luke, what have you done to this girl?" Olivia set her hand on her chest while the other was on Luke's forearm. "She's always been so dark all this time and now, she's giving me a love advice."

Luke was amused to see their reactions, "I guess, I've brought the light to her life."

That just sounded so corny to me but everyone went 'aww' in unison except for Ben. He and I sort of shared the same expression right now. We were both getting irritated with this. I was tired of dealing with their remarks and questions of how we met and all the other typical questions like where was our first date.

Couldn't they just leave me and Luke alone? They were so overreacting.

Ben cleared his throat aloud to get everyone silent. And he said, "I think all of you should stop sticking your noses in their businesses now and talk about something else."

"I highly support that," I agreed while playing with the mash potatoes on my plate.

"Okay, then," Olivia shrugged nonchalantly. "Let's talk...about how many kids you're planning to have!" She shrieked in excitement, addressing it to both Sara and Ben.

Now, it was Ben's turn to suffer whereas Sara was jumping up and down in her seat, getting all enthusiastic to talk about their future kids.

*      *      *      *      *      *

I grabbed my jacket up in my room before I got out of the house and walked Luke out. He seemed to have fun tonight. He laughed his heart out when we watched the old video of Ben and Oliver dancing in the strip club when they were in college. It was hilarious and stupid. I couldn't believe it either that Ben was good in pole dancing.

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