Chapter 17: I Look To You

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Reggie and JT

"Fuck baby damn!" Reggie moaned.

"Yes baby! Gimme that straight out the African Safari dick!......Shit!"

"My name iz Mista Sexy Nigerian Buttascotch! I want you to say my name or I will continue to punish your rotund ghetto booty!.......Say it!" Reggie demanded in his Nigerian accent.

"Damn I love you fuck!" JT tried to force out as she came undone.

"Ah yu reddy for my babies!?"

"Yeessss!" JT moaned.  They both panted trying to come down off their high as Reggie sunk on top of her as she laid on her stomach.

"You good now ?" Reggie asked. She smiled and turned her head enough to peck his lips. " Yeah I'm good boo. Let's get up and take a shower so we can get this shit over with."

Reginald and I were in Miami for my sentencing. He also had Scottie and Giselle flewed out here for support. Today was possibly my last day as a free woman and I needed all the support I could get. Unfortunately Chloe and the boys couldn't make it, but my man was here and Gee and Scottie was the more levelheaded ones out of the four of us girls anyway. In addition my mother and son would accompany us to the courthouse just Incase I would have to say goodbye.

In an attempt to put a smile on my face Reggie pulled out all his best moves including his damn accent that he knew drove my ass insane. Needless to say that shit worked and I couldn't help but to smile leaving the hotel.

"For somebody who going to the slammer you seem to be in good spirits." Scottie said.

"Girl you didn't hear!? Mr. Sexy Butterscotch was clapping them cheeks that's why she smiling!" Giselle teased.

"Damn you heard that?"

"Yes I did you little nasties!" Gee joked.

We all gathered in the sprinter van that was waiting for us outside headed to the courthouse. I had already made peace with having to pay the consequences for my actions. The only thing I wish is for my son to be taken care of Incase I have to spend years behind bars. He was going to stay with my mother in Miami but after discussing it with her it just wasn't a good idea to take him out of his private school in Atlanta if I was only going to be gone a few months. So my mother will stay with my Uncle Greg and Aunt Jeanine with Jay at least until he finished the school year. Reggie offered for them to continue staying with him , but if I was sentenced to more than a year I didn't want to hold him back if he wanted to move on. He was truly one amazing nigga no matter how much shit I put his ass through.

" Alright sweetheart, we're here. Let's say a quick prayer before you get out." My mother spoke. I nodded and we all joined hands and said quick prayer.


My family and friends went ahead and took a seat while I waited for my attorney Latoya and my homegirl Reesha who I did the crime with. Soon as they came in the three of us walked in and took our seats until the judge came out.

 Soon as they came in the three of us walked in and took our seats until the judge came out

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AT MY BEST PART II: Couples TripHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin