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Lying on the hospital bed is a beautiful young lady who has been through a lot. An accident occurred six months ago and she's one of the persons inside the car. Unfortunately, the other person died instantly. They were only two people in the car and she was the other one. She slipped into coma immediately after giving birth to her bouncing baby boy. The other man is her husband and he died instantly without a single breath coming out from him when the ambulance get to him.

"I think she's moving her thumb. That means she'll wake up soon." The old doctor explained to the Lady's mother who was standing next to him as he examine her daughter.

"Alhamdulillah! Thank you, doctor." She smiled gratefully at him before taking her place back on the chair next to the bed.

The doctor left, leaving the Lady and the worried mother behind. She has been in and out of the hospital for six months. Her daughter is lying lifelessly on the hospital bed with many tubes around her. Not that she's not thanking God for giving her daughter to have another chance to live. There are a lot more for her to explore. She just gave birth to her first baby and her husband died before he could see the baby.

There is a slight chance that her memory will still be intact. Her mother knew it was bad for her to not want her daughter to have her memories back. Even if she'll forget about her. Those memories will be very bad for her health as the doctor had said. If her memories come back, especially the horrible ones, she'll have a very serious problem, or maybe even die. It is very dangerous in her condition as she is very weak for that.

No mother will wish that for her daughter but this condition is different, the circumstances are different. It is not good for her daughter to forget about her husband and baby but everything is taking another lane. Everything is changing it's lane. No one knew this would happen only Allah, the best planner. He alone knows what He is planning for her daughter right now. No matter what happens, she is still with her God, He could see the tears and plea. He will answer there du'a, maybe just not now.

"Salamatu, let's go home. You can come back tomorrow." The woman's husband whisper to the woman as he snake his arms around her shoulder trying to get her to stand up. She didn't know when he walked in.

"Abban Nana, please. I want to stay with her here today. The doctor said she might wake up soon since her thump moved earlier. I don't want to miss any part of her life again." She sobbed. She has been doing that a lot lately.

"I know that. I also don't want to miss any part of her life, Salamatu. She won't want to see you like this." He coaxed.

"But you'll bring me back early in the morning, agreed?" She asked.

"Yes, I agree. I'll be here with you." He manage to remove her from the chair and together they walk out of the hospital room they've been coming in and out of, for six months.

They have been terrible to her daughter till she get married. Not only their daughter, even their son. They didn't treat them with derision but still, it wasn't enough. They thought that if they don't get too attached to them, they can let them go when the time comes -marriage. Not knowing that they're ruining their children's life slowly. Their own children don't visit them ever since they got married. And now that they think it'll be good for them to visit, this happened. They were on their way to visit her even though her son in-law forced her own daughter to visit her.

Even her son don't visit their home when he knew they'd be around, he only visits when his baby sister was in the house and after she left, he never set his foot in their house. At first, she was happy about it. But now, she feel nothing but nothingness. She gave birth to children but didn't know the warmth of having children. It is all her fault and she also drag her husband into her own stupid game. She didn't make them feel loved! She's ready to enshrine them with so much love.
She can feel her own hands moving, her brows furrowing in confusion and her eyelids shaking from wanting to open them but couldn't. She moved her toes, and it moved. She thought she was paralyzed when she couldn't move her whole leg but did it after much effort. Then what is wrong with her? Why can't she open her eyes and it looks like she has been sleeping for a long time and her head is throbbing.

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