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"Be truthful, as truthfulness leads to virtue, and virtue leads to Paradise." -Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

"Hey! It's been so long." Mu'ayyad beamed, looking at his cousin's gorgeous wife perched quietly on the sofa but she lowered her head immediately after smiling up at him. If only he could find a wife like this and he acted fast in the past. They still chat on phone but he feels like it's not enough for him.

"Yeah. How are you?" She asked almost inaudibly because she's shying away from talking to a man who isn't her husband.

"I'm perfectly okay." He continue to beam and trudged into the room just when Zayn burst the door open.

He didn't like what he was seeing but he kept quite because he trust his wife more than anyone in his life. He smiled and pecked her forehead, as though he wants to claim her in front of his cousin. They're friends and cousins but if anyone is to be talking to his wife like this, he'd do anything to make sure that person is ten miles away from her. He only did that but next time -if there'll ever be one- he will kiss her fully on her lips and even sit her down on his lap if it means showing his cousin who belongs to him.

"I missed you." She mumbled in his ear, totally forgetting about a fidgeting Mu'ayyad who awkwardly shuffled on his feet but then turned around and left.

"Same here, mami, same here. But why are you here?" He pulled away, already knowing that Mu'ayyad had left earlier and now they're alone.

"We finished early and I thought about bringing lunch for you. I cooked! Can you imagine, the teacher praised me so much and I feel so proud..." She beamed at him and kept rambling about her day while she passed the lunch for him which she packed in a takeaway.

"Wow!" He moaned out, half listening to her rant about her friends and half making sure to created more space in his stomach to pack everything inside.

"I know right." She removed her phone from her bag and ask for any black veil she could use to close her face so she could blog on YouTube, it's been very long since she last visited YouTube and Instagram.

"What are you doing? YouTube?" He raised a brow like he's asking when he's already stalked her before they got married and saw all her poems as she recites them with her face closed.

"Yup, it's been long since I last blogged so I want to show my husband to the world." She grinned cheekily at him, slowly unwrapping her dove hijab and expertly closing both her hair and face with it.

"Hum, you never told me about your blog though. And do you really want them to look at my face while you close yours?" He asked with a slight pout but didn't stop stuffing his meal down his throat.

"Aren't you the cutest thing ever? And yes, I should not open my face but you are a man." She shrugged, turning her camera, adjusting it on the coffee table with the help of a tissue paper roll.

"Let me tell you what to do..." With that, she kept briefing him about how she does her blog but will change it since she's with him and they will just have fun answering some questions between themselves.

"Woah! That is one hella work there but let's do it." He scooted closer to her, wrapping his arms around her shoulder before tapping on the phone screen to start recording.

"Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakaatuh!" She waved, making sure her voice dripped thicker with her Arabic tongue which really turned Zayn on. So she has this beautiful Arabian voice she's hiding from him and only saying it to the camera. When he stalked her first, he thought it was because he's hearing it from the phone and that's why it's that thick but hearing her now beside him, he just kept quite and stared at her lovingly yet aroused.

ALWAYS ZAYNHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin