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"There is a virtuous time every Friday; never does a Muslim supplicates during it except Allah grants him what he asks for." -Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
-(Bukhaari & Muslim)

BADGE. . .

Nana ran to the house through the backdoor immediately after she heard the Adhan calling for subh prayer. She kissed Zayn as soon as she woke up to which he delayed her for another five minutes before releasing her and leaving the house in full speed. She'll never hear the end of the teadings if her mother finds out about her night with Zayn in the car. She's never enjoyed their sleep like she did the one today for she could feel his whole body underneath hers and that's so far the best sleep she's had in the whole one month two weeks of their marriage.

He admired her henna like he always do and that makes all the sitting and squirming worth it. She felt beautiful whenever they're together and is always looking forward to making herself up for him. She can't even wait to get dressed for the wedding and see her husband amongst the groomsmen later. She's sounding like a lovestruck baby, yes, definitely not even a teenager.

She went in and say her prayer before taking a long bath so as to not take one later. She lie back down on the bed and sleep immediately took her in less than a minute. Blinking her eyelids a few times, she adjust to the light from the window before looking around her room. At first, she thought that her whole marriage life was a dream but then saw Rukayyah and her skin beautician. She breath a sighed and chuckled a little at her stupidness before standing up from the bed.

"Good morning everyone!" She said to the people around the room -Rukayyah, the skin beautician, Batul, Taima, Hannatu and Zahira.

They all arrived the day before yesterday and the house has been full and noisy since then. Nana can't even lay her foot on one place without being called and asked how her husband is. Some even went to the extent of asking whether she's pregnant or not. She'll just timidly walk away and leave immediately or even fake a phone call. Some people are just not shy enough to not ask about personal questions, some even thought her husband is taking a second wife because she's looking 'thin'.

"Morning, lover girl." They chorused around the room which made her send a quelling glare at Rukayyah because she's the only one who saw her going out yesterday and the blabber mouth already told them.

"Don't look at the bride like that." Rukayyah feigned innocence and continue with her session.

"You should be nervous or shy but see the way you're talking to me." Nana shook her head and went to the drawer to bring out their clothes.

"We should get ready! The knot will be tied in thirty minutes and they'll be here in an hour. Gosh, stand up girls!" Taima immediately stood up from the bed with her pajamas, so as the rest of the girls.

"Taima, your skin is glowing more than mine and your wedding is in a week. Why?" Rukayyah pouted, looking at Taima's glowing face.

"Stop with your jealousy! There is this saying 'don't compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself' so know better, duck." Zahira rolled her eyes and they all left the room with a chuckle.

"Nana, get dressed too. I'll just take my bath and get dressed. The makeup artist will be here now so she should start your makeup." Rukayyah explained, standing by the door to the bathroom.

Nana obliged and washed her face in the bathroom before Rukayyah started taking her bath. She changed into the three step peplum blouse with bishop long sleeves and fitted fish skirt. She look at herself in the mirror and appreciate the maroon atampha with sky blue and golden patterns around it. She tied her hair in a low bun and made sure she tightens it with pins so it wouldn't fall off and just then the makeup artist walked in with a huge black box with her.

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