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The prophet (P.B.U.H) said: "When a Muslim visits his sick brother, he never ceases to be in a Khurfah of paradise until he returns." He was asked, "What is a Khurfah?" He replied: "It's fruits."


Zayn messaged his sisters immediately before rushing to the car, tugging his wife by his side, the sun is about to set. He sent a quick message to Mashhub also before starting the car and straight to the hospital. He kept mumbling any du'a that comes to the tip of his tongue, underneath his breath as he looks restless and sad. This can't be happening, his father should not keep suffering for something that isn't his fault. He should better stop with the worries before it ends his life sometime, it's getting too much and now it's affecting their mother and them.

Zayn knew that his father is thinking about his deceased sister who died in a car accident. She was on her way to their house when it happened and he thought it was because he pressured her to visit them that it happened. He thought that if he hadn't pressure her that time, she would've been in the hotel room she's staying at and nothing would've happened but he should know that when Allah plans something, no one can change it as he's the best planner. He has been getting the attacks ever since.

Nana didn't know what to do at moments like this -she felt useless and helpless- so she keep her hand on his that is resting on the steering wheel tightly. She has to move her body a little in not so comfortable position because of her short hand but she didn't care. She wants him to know that he is not alone in this and she's also with him to fight against whatever it is that is coming their way. She's going to stick to him like a gum and he can do nothing about it.

Seeing this Zayn, she wished the other Zayn will come back and keep teasing her and she won't mind it one bit. This Zayn is just making her sad and weary. No matter what, the other Zayn is far better than this silent and solemn one.

"I'm here with you, cherub!" She said cherub intentionally because she wants to lighten up the mood and it did helped cause a smile tug at the sides of his lips.

She's always wanted to call her life partner cherub because she loves the name. And it perfect match with her husband's personality, he's sweet, romantic and awfully cute or in her case, handsome. Still cute nevertheless. She just wants to see his baby picture, she knew he would be so cute with chubby cheeks.

"Cherub huh?!" A deep chuckle escaped his lips, his eyes shining with mirth back again and she couldn't be any happier. Her Zayn is back.

"Yeah what?" She rolled her eyes, attempting to remove her hand from his but he tighten his grip on it, keeping her hands on the steering wheel and his on top of hers. Her hand is so soft for his slightly calloused ones.

"I love it, mami. But you don't have to force yourself to make me happy. You're presence is enough to assure me that I'm not alone. Do things when you mean it hm?" He smirked when she blushed.

"I'm not forcibly saying it," she shrugged before adding; "I wanted to." She yawed her gaze from his and face the window even though it's very uncomfortable with her hands on the steering wheel, so she faced the windshield and see the way the sun make beautiful orange, soft red, grey and blue hue on the plain blue canvas.

"We're here!" His distressed demeanour came back with full force and Nana only sighed, extricating her hand from underneath his and rounding the car to stand next to him and together they walked into the hospital, the awful smell hitting them hard.

The receptionist told them where his father's room is at and they rush there but he still didn't let go of Nana's waist for a second, he tucked her in his arms as they continue to ferry. Thank goodness he removed his babban riga or he would've looked like a groom on his wedding day. Shortly, they arrive at the floor and the room number 122 face them, he stopped for some minutes before pushing the door open, only to find his mother crying to his father.

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