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Zayn got dressed and went to get Khumais ready for the big day ahead of them. It was already ten in the morning and he has a lot to unwrap and his one mission is to bring his wife back home with him. He wants her back at any cost and will do anything to get her back in their home where they will grow Khumais and build more love for each other. Like said before, he was done playing Nana's games and is time to take real action.

Getting Khumais into a thobe was easy because the little kid has little affair with his thobes and likes wearing them all the time. From the time Nana left till then, he's worn them more than Zayn would like to count and he forces him sometimes to wear it too after coming back from work. After telling him that they are going to see mine, his joy knew no bound which makes Zayn's heart clenched with guilt and sprinkle immense determination.

He is guilty because it is his fault that Khumais didn't get to see Mine but he also didn't cry about it so Zayn thought it was cool to just have him around. The determination is bringing Nana back whether she likes it or not. How could she take his love so fragile? Doesn't she know how much he loves her and can't even breath real breath without having her by his side. He even has a little surprise for her and is just waiting for her to come back before making it happen. He knew it was going to make her happy and her happiness is also his happiness.

A lot awaits them and the only thing holding back is the little trust Nana has in them. She think everything is about past and all those shit. He is in love with her and she also loves him back so he won't let anything come there way. He knew this ride won't be smooth but he will try his best to clear away all the creases that is there to stand on his way. There is no one more important to him than Nana, she is his pillar and also became his life.

She was there when he thought she would face back at him. His past wasn't something he is proud of but she brought back the light he's been missing and still loved him the way he is. He didn't leave any stone unturned for her but she smiled and took him in her arms even helping him bring back the little things he's forgotten. He knew she is heaven sent! She is the angel meant only for him and he will make sure she sees that with her own eyes and feel it in her soul.

Nana yawned and smiled in her sleep because she had a beautiful dream back there. She was think about Zayn and her which brought the beautiful smile to her lips but then awoke easily after hearing the sounds of laughter from beside her bed. It sounds like her brother and his wife so she hastily sat down on the bed and looked at the occupants in her room. Her brother Fahad is there with his wife Sakinah with broad smiles across there faces and she blushed.

Why didn't she know they are coming and why the hell are they looking at her creepily. She sighed and stood up not saying a thing, she wouldn't have been embarrassed before but now, she just feels different. She feels like everything is still a lie and she will wake up again so she brushed her teeth in the bathroom and washed her face before going back to her room to see their confused and concerned faces.

Nana wouldn't have left them hanging but this Nana did so they are concerned and also confused why she is behaving like that. Did any of them did something wrong? He can't find any fault except for sending Khumais with her, but would she be mad because he sent Khumais? Not in this lifetime, but then what?!

"Hey, brother mine. How are you, my queen?" She smiled at them and walked to her closet to take something to wear apart the sweats she is wearing.

"We are all good, come down for breakfast." Though Fahad is confused, he managed to say and left the room to give her some privacy.

She didn't know what to wear and hasn't taken a shower so she settle on black maxi dress only and tied her hair with white small piece of veil she found, letting her hair fall behind the head tie. She sat down where she usually sits in the dining room and smiled at everyone around the table, everyone knee that it didn't reach her eyes, especially her parents that have been guiltily moving around her.

After having her breakfast, she went back to her room and waited for Fahad to come in since he said he has a lot of things to discuss with her. She lie down slowly on the bed and sighed, life hasn't been going on the way she wants it to. A lot has been going on lately and she doesn't know where to settle her eyes and head on so she stopped thinking about anything and close her mind.

"Sister mine, I know you've been going through a lot but do you think letting your parents walk in shells around you is cool? You know how much they try showing you their love after that accident so you have to forgive them and move forward from that. I know how sorry they were when it happened, I was there to console them and mom wasn't happy at all till after you woke up." He sighed and rubbed his fingers across his forehead.

"I know that but I just feel like everything is a lie in my life. Everything is not going according to how I pictured it. I never thought I would end up in my parents home and not my husband's after regaining my memory, but see me here." Nana placed her head in between her palms and closed her eyes tightly. She misses Zayn and Khumais a lot.

"I know it is hard, trust me. You just need to chill out and try thinking positive about everything. You have Khumais and Zayn waiting for you but you choose this yourself. You did this to yourself, sister mine. It won't make you happy at all. The burden will be too much for you to take in." Fahad continued, taking her hands in his and letting his world drift.

"I know that but don't you think after everything that has happened it is unfair to go back to him? I am dirty and I've seen more than I should. Brother mine, I don't know what to do with my life at the moment. I'm still in between thin sharp line and either one is hurting." The tears fell one after the other, slowly going down her face.

"Your happiness lies in his home, go back there and build a home with him. You can't keep staying here and expect yourself to feel happiness when you love another person. Wallah living with someone you love changes your view in everything. I can't think of a life without Sakinaj and I regret ever thinking about divorcing her. Don't do that to Zayn."

"You don't get it, do you?" Her voice rose an octave and she sighed not wanting to tell at the top of her lungs at her older brother for that matter.

"No, I don't and that is why I want you to clear this fog please."

"I won't be able to give birth again. A lot of complications happened and my chances of giving birth is a little to none. I only have two percent in hundred so that is not even a chance. How can I let him live a life like this all alone without a child? That is just wicked from my own side." Nana is always bathing in tears and shaking with sobs.

"He does love you still, you just don't know that. You can tell him all about you and wait for his decision before taking it into your own hands." He cajoled, sighing at his sister's not understanding head.

"I don't want to see those looks in his eyes when he finds out how much of a mess I am." She cried, pulling her brother closer to her so she could huh him and find comfort but it wasn't enough, not like how she feels in her Husband's arms.

"He won't have anything in his eyes except pride because if he really loves you, he won't find any fault because you have been assaulted and married to the wrong man." Fahad kissed her forehead, feeling bubbling rage inside him for Isuhu. He wished the man was alive so he could get the chance to see him rotting in his arms.

"I hope you're right, brother mine." She sighed and wiped her tears, looking up to the door to see her parents standing by the door with mist eyes.

"We are so sorry, dear." They apologized at the same time and come in to join the hug which she appreciate and smiled, a real smile at her parents and they leaped in happiness.

"We are having a baby." Fahad said in between the hug making everyone freeze for a moment before they moved back to look at him and see whether he is really the one that talked or they have started hearing things.

"Did you just-" Nana was cut short when her sister in-law walked into the room with a smile and laminated sonogram of their six weeks baby in her hands.

"You are having a real nephew or niece this time." Sakinah grinned at Nana whose joy knew no bound and happiness kept brimming inside of her. She hugged her brother tighter before she heard Aunty Zu from the door.

"Nana, your husband and Khumais are here for you."

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