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"I don't feel sleepy at all, cherub." Nana mumbled to Zayn from his chest as she lie her head down on it. He made them sleep the whole afternoon off and now they both can't sleep a wink. Maybe with even the nerves of graduating from her cooking school tomorrow. She don't see why Asma want to invite people just for graduating but she said that's how it is and it's mostly family members and close relatives.

"Same here, mami. What should we do though?" He asked, continuing to rub his hand up and down her back and up to her hair to give her scalf a gentle massage.

"We should go for a long night run. What do you think?" She beamed, sitting up and looking at him with her eyes like a child waiting to be asked to take the whole jar of cookie. She looks so cute and he can't deny her her wishes even if he wants to. She knew how much he likes going on a night run but stopped after their marriage, he told her that and now she wants to do it with him. What a better way to spend with your wife doing your most loved adventure!

"Yes, we should. Get dressed, the weather is kind of chilly." He said, helping them both out of the bed and the best position he likes having his wife.

"Yes! Let's dress hot." She drag him into their walk in closet. Zayn chuckled behind her, hearing how excited she is and wanting to dress hot, she's already hot and if she dresses hot, she will just catch fire and then boom, he can't resist.

"How is this dressing hot going to be?" He raised a brow, wrapping his hands around her waist as she gaze up in his drawer, probably searching for something for him to wear. His wife, his life. What would he ever do without his mami?

"We'll dress like those hot couple and then take pictures, roll the window down and enjoy the wind." She explained happily, searching through his clothes, hanger by hanger. She is getting frustrated because she's not finding the sexy outfit that she wants to match with hers as she already has something in mind for her to wear. Wrestling through the hangers for awhile, she finally find a white fitted shirt, and maroon sweatpants, she asked him to change.

She brought out the Capri side striped pants and a white crop top that has Bonjour written in black, a kissy red lips around the 'o', she search for her maroon loafers. They both changed together in the closet before she search for his maroon loafers also. She grinned at him, tying her head in a ponytail as he watch her from behind with a sexy grin. He wrap his hands around her waist again and move his fingers to her slightly opened tummy which made her shiver in excitement and pleasure. His cold fingers on her warm skin feels amazing.

She walked to his side of closet and get two gorgeous sunglasses for them. They look so beautiful together, especially with his hands around her waist yet again and his head on her shoulder, releasing his ever so beautiful charming smile as she capture the picture with her phone. It was a mirror picture. After taking endless photos, the couple moseyed to the kitchen to take something along with them to keep them busy and less thirsty.

Parking some apples, grapes, comb of banana and a whole lot of chocolates with water of course, the couple walk out of the house and lock the door. This is the hardest part, they hope both the families are sleeping and won't hear their car roaring to life. She could see the security guard by the door, already opening the huge gates for them to leave. She smiled beautifully from the passenger's seat as she starts to munch on KitKat whilst Zayn smile at her before driving off.

She never thanked God that Khumais didn't want to wake up after sleeping his whole day with Maaysa and so she let him with her.

She fed him the chocolate as they drive, their hair whipping around as she yelled when he drove faster and squeaked when his hands leave the steering wheel. The road was clean but they could see some other cars here and there. She'll feed him, kiss him and tease to which he'll just groan and warn her that he'll park in the middle of nowhere and kiss her senseless, she would dare him to do so but he didn't till he stopped at some place, secluded.

ALWAYS ZAYNWhere stories live. Discover now