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Zayn groaned for the nth time beside Nana. This is the set of eighth guests and he's tired of going from living room to his bedroom so he kissed Nana's cheek again, telling her that he'll be in the other living room and he's going to lock himself up. She should tell them that he is not around. Nana didn't even hear much but she gets where he's coming from and understand it. That kiss only spike up her heart rate after been startled by the doorbell in the middle of their movie watching which he insist on. His kisses are like dire which she needs protection from.

Regaining her breathing, Nana plaster a fake smile for the umpteenth time today to accept the guests. Most if them are Zayn's distant family members, thank God Maaysa is the one accompanying them, the awkwardness will not be too suffocating. How she manage the other sets is beyond her even though Zayn is by her side, he didn't do much importance. He'll just greet them and then snake his arms around her hips then leaving after a few minutes which hassled her.

"Assalamu alaikum!" three women suffused from the front door with Maaysa behind them. She beamed at Nana again before smiling sheepishly seeing how uncomfortable she is with the guests.

Nana replied and they exchange pleasantries before she promenaded into the kitchen to bring refreshment for them and then taking a sit next to Maaysa. Maaysa introduced them as her Aunties from the maternal part. After that, they talk a little before saying it's time for them to leave and said the usual Allah ya bada zaman lafiya. She accompany them to the gate with Maaysa before coming back into the house with Maaysa hot on her tail.

"I hope this is the last set, I'm so tired!" Nana whined, slumping herself on the cream and brown royal couch.

"It is. Don't worry, that's all and they're off to their states. I'm also tired of having them." Maaysa cajoled, walking to the kitchen to arrange the dinner she brought with her for them on the table, not before telling Rukayyah and Hannatu not to bother.

"I didn't see Kaadira and Naazwa." Nana mumbled to Maaysa when she sat down next to her.

"They'll come tonight before leaving to their houses. Grannies will be going back in a week. Uncle Aliyu and Aunt Ramatu will be back tomorrow, be ready to meet them." Maaysa ranted.

"Way to tell me that tomorrow will be stressing again." Nana rolled her eyes.

"Not stressing girl. It's only one more family left and then that's all. They even live with us, the house by the right." Maaysa explained, bringing out her phone to type something before keeping it.

A minute later, Zayn strolled out of the room, walking with a swag that has Nana swooning. He walks with his head up high and his tall figure making a long shadow in front of him. He glare at Maaysa and she immediately scurried away to the front door, yelling a 'bye' to Nana before closing the door behind her. Nana threw a questioning look to Zayn who only shrugged and collapse next to her. She made an attempt to move away from him but he drew her by her hips, firmly gluing her to his body.

"W-what are y-you doing?" She stutter, face flushed and eyes wide like saucers.

"I'm trying to cuddle with my wife, what's wrong with that?" He threw a smirk at her, deepening his left side almost invisible dimple.

"B-bu-t.." She didn't know what to say and kept stuttering. He place his head on her head drawing her waist into him.

"But shut up." he mumbled on her head, drawing tingly circles around her waist even with the cloth between them, she felt like he's touching her naked skin.

After a few more miserable attempts, Nana gave up and snuggle into his warmth, he's her husband after all. She inhaled his scent deeply, making sure he didn't notice before releasing a breathy sigh. Not knowing when her eyes shut close, Nana was jolted awake with Zayn's voice saying something along the line 'come in' and the sound of a door opening. She try her very best to leave the comfort of his body -even though they're not really cuddling, it looks like she's leaning her head on his chest and shoulder- but failed miserably.

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