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The Prophet (P.B.U.H), said: "When a Muslim visits his sick brother, he never ceases to be in a Khurfah of paradise until he returns." He was asked: "What is Khurfah?" He replied: "It's fruits."


Nana hissed underneath her breath when the dove hijab she's tying around her head didn't sit and she has been doing the same thing for almost ten minutes which she normally does in a minute or two. She has been putting pins around the thing but it isn't budging and it's getting really on her nerve. She glared at the veil from the mirror whilst looking at the outfit she's wearing today -cotton blend colour block stripe maxi dress- to go to the hospital as she insist on going with Zayn.

She can see that he's trying his very best not to break with all the stress drowning on him. She can't afford to leave him alone when he needs her even though he's not saying it, she can see it. He's trying to leave alone to the hospital knowing fully well that he's going to meet the doctor himself and will likely hear what he doesn't want to but he's still acting strong whilst he's anything but strong. She's mentally saluting him though, he's very close to his father that if anything happens to him, he will be utterly shattered.

"You should let your hair down more often." Zayn's voice yank her out of her reverie. She didn't notice him coming inside the closet nor even removing the hairband around her hair.

Her long black hair fall down her back till mid back and some stubborn hairs that are not straight fell around the place. Her hair is very soft that Aunty Zu don't like pleating it as it'll be a waste of time, immediately after finishing one, it'll loose and she'll groan before doing it again and tying the end so that it won't loose but it will still do that the next day so they got tired and stopped trying. She hates washing and drying it everyday.

She has been straightening the hair everyday because it's natural and bushy. If she doesn't straighten it, it'll be very hard for her to comb it talk less of pleating it. It got softer with the moisturizer she is using and got longer because of how much she's stretching it. She hates doing that but has no other choice or the hair will just fall which she doesn't even want to think of. She loves her hair so much to let it break but she damn lazy.

She is the type of person that hates seeing place dirty but can't clean it. She can be very lazy and thank Allah for giving her a husband like Zayn who likes cleaning and arranging their room. She will see the room dirty with some of his clothes on the bed or the unmade bed but she'll just cry her eyes at the place without standing up but she still wants to see it clean, magically.

"Whe- when did you walk in?" Eyes wide, she made an attempt to close her hair with the hijab but he didn't let her.

"Earlier." He answered, his voice dropping an octave. "You should stop hiding your hair from me. It's beautiful and long." He lean down to smell it, closing his eyes instinctively.

Nana's breath quicken. Heart beat racing like she just finished running a marathon. Her eyes widened even more thinking that her heart will fall out of it's ribcage and run away from it's home because of how fast it's beating. Her breath rugged, closing her eyes and leaning back into her husband whose hands went to her flat tummy and hugged her from behind. Slowly but surely, his nose went to her ear and took a deep breath there before mumbling some inaudible words there.

Just when she's about to ask him what he said, one of their phones rang from the closet and they sprang away from each other as if they got teleported back to reality by some Fae.

Zayn groaned before walking to where her phone sat, taking it and giving it to her after seeing that her mother was calling her. That reminds him, he should probably take her to her parents from the hospital. He's going back to work next tomorrow and he's not liking it. For a workaholic, this is very new to him to not want to go to work after having two weeks break.

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