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Zayn and Nana are sitting on the couch, watching the Bollywood film 'Manikarnika'. She has her hand in the huge bowl of popcorn and her other hand wrapped around Zayn's torso. He will kiss her forehead once in a while before they continue to watch and comment here and there. Amidst watching the movie, Zayn's phone rang on the couch next to Nana. She peeked her head to see who is calling but then met a heartbreak for Hidaya's name was blinking and her appetite just vanished.

She threw the phone at him and stood up. She bit her lip for mistakingly throwing it because she was blinded with jealousy but brush it off and walk to the kitchen to do only god knows what. After looking around the kitchen for the nth time, she finally settle on taking frozen yoghurt but still didn't get back her appetite which frustrates her to no end.

What frustrates her more is that Zayn is still talking to Hidaya on phone and didn't bother checking on her. What is so important that he can't hang up and come to her? Then she heard the most heartbreaking sound ever, the door closing in a harsh sound almost bringing the hinges to their knees.

Will he leave her all alone because she threw the phone at him? She scrunch down on the cabinet and let the tears come rushing down her cheeks. Is he going to see Hidaya and he didn't bother telling her about it? Please let it be a no.

She waited for thirty minutes but he's not back yet. She kept looking at her phone waiting for his message or call, telling her he is sorry and he'll be back soon but none of it happened for another thirty minutes till she heard the front door opening.

She started battling with herself whether or not to go and talk to him. On one side, she's mad at him for leaving because of Hidaya's call and not telling her. On the other side, she wants to see if everything is okay and he's not mad at her but she didn't go. She curl herself inside the duvet and cried silently to herself. Maybe her jealous side is getting too much attention for her liking for the tears are causing a massive headache to appear on it's own.

The door to their room opened and his cologne immediately soothed her at the same time causing goosebumps to appear all around. She didn't move nor sniffle, she was too tensed to even pretend to be asleep.

"Mami, I know you're not sleeping. Sit up let's talk." He wrap his hands around her shoulder, attempting to sit her up on the headboard but no avail.

"Go to your Hidaya, the one you had or have crush on." She stubbornly wrap the duvet around her head. She is acting childish, yes but she can't help the stupid jealousy that's eating her deep down.

"Stop talking about going to Hidaya. I hate it! I told you time and again that it was just a stupid infatuation and I won't tell you again. She's my past and you're my present and future inshaa'Allah, so you better stop bringing her up in all our talks." He bellowed, not at all liking her attitude at the moment.

"Now that she's made you mad, you want to pour everything on me. Go ahead!" She sniffles, the tears coming back on their own accord after thinking about him and Hidaya together.

God, she can be dramatic! He thought.

"Damn it! Will you stop talking like that?" He bellowed yet again, forcefully sitting her on the bed so she's looking at him.

"Why?" She glared at him in between tears.

"I'm done! If you're done imagining all what you want to imagine, come back and tell me your senses are back." He seethed, randomly grabbing two pillow and a duvet from the closet before walking out of the room.

He checked Khumais' room and found him sleeping peacefully before taking the other room. He was beyond mad at his wife and not even her apology will get everything out of him. He needs time and she also need some! He doesn't know why she's acting like that all of a sudden and why the hell was she talking about him crushing on Hidaya? Who the heck planted that story in her head for the love of God? Whoever did it, he'll not go down and beg her to trust him, if she does, then good and if she doesn't, it's her own cup of coffee.

ALWAYS ZAYNNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ