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"Al-waasil (I.e, one who maintains ties) is not the one who recompenses the good done to him by his relatives, but Al-waasil is the one who keeps good relations with those relatives who sever the bond of kinship with him."
-Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).


She can't seem to get what her sisters are saying. Her mind is somewhere faraway from them and they kept bringing her back to them. She wants to explore the kiss more so she closed her eyes and think of the kiss more closely and keenly. She can't afford to be the one following the lead all the time, she should learn how to do it as she knew they'll be a lot in future. Her husband is the romantic type of guy from what she could see but darn it, she's not at all kvetching.

She thought it'll be very cliché for a husband to always be wrapping his arms around his wife's waist but when the situation yawed back to her, she could see that sometimes they're just not able to suppress themselves. She's seen her brother doing it to his wife and thought of it as cliché stuff but now that she also likes the feeling of having her husband around her, she knew the feeling and want to spend all her time relishing it.

"Nana, you better come back to us or I walk into your brain and find out what you're thinking about. I can be a mage-fae-sylph-nymph you know." Hannatu's voice yelled close to her ear.

"I'm with you guys but all you're talking about is boring." She rolled her eyes, making both the girls to look at her with mouth agape.

"Really?! So you're husband is changing you already. Tell us about your married life then." Rukayyah teased, raising a brow at Nana.

"There is nothing to talk about." She blushed, thinking about the kiss again.

"That blush said otherwise." Hannatu said in a singsong voice.

Nana cursed at herself for not wrapping her dove hijab. If her face was closed, they wouldn't see the blush because the hue stopped at her forehead, ears and neck. Her hair is in a high ponytail 'cause she doesn't want it to disturb her while she lie down on the bed. Rukayyah was snapping countless pictures secretly and then sending it straight to Zayn's Instagram handle and thank God immensely because she sent a message to Mashhub and ask him to tell Zayn to check his Instagram. It's marked, he has seen it.

"Why should I tell you about our married life, it's none of your business." Nana pursed her lips, trying to take the attention away from the blush.

"We just want to know when to expect a baby. Have you guys h..." Rukayyah kept her phone away and wiggle her brows.

"Shut up!" Nana cut her off, throwing the closest pillow at her. The girl is becoming more and more perverted and she doesn't even want to know what she's talking about with Mashhub.

"What!? I just want to know if we should start buying baby's clothes. I'm I wrong Hanna?" Rukayyah continue to tease her.

"Not at all!" Hannatu shrugged, typing away in her phone whilst grinning.

When Nana walked into her former room, Rukayyah's room now, she stood by the mirror and look at how her lips plumped and turn into the darkest shade of pink. She touched her index finger around it, still feeling his lips on hers and the tingles shoot through her body making her shudder. The feeling was just out of her reach and she doesn't understand what is going on with her. She doesn't even know when she started liking his presence and wanting his touches. It feels like she wants his hands on her more than he wants to but can't help it. He's her husband after all.

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