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"Everyday that the sun rises, charity is due from each of your joints, and being fair between people is a charity." -Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)


After the little comfort hug Nana gave Zayn, they both went back to the private room not before filling the paper the doctor gave him. Alhaji Khattab was discharged immediately and Zayn said he'll drop Nana at her home before he went back to his father and meet up with Mashhub to talk about something -as Mashhub insisted. Nana wasn't really happy about the whole arrangement but she kept mum. He's doing it for her but she wanted to stay with him and share some of his grief. Her husband can be very hard headed sometimes and he's trying to leave everything to his sisters and go enjoy himself with his best friend.

Currently, Zayn is driving them to her house with Qur'an playing softly in the background. Zayn as usual, didn't let her hand go even after much attempts from her that she wants to adjust her hijab. He'll send an innocent look her way before continuing to drive. She narrowed her eyes at him but still kept quite and let the Qur'an lull her. She got tired and let him hold her hand till they reached her home. They got down together and he scolded her about not waiting for him to open the door but she just shrugged and send an innocent look his way also.

Two can play!

Pursing his lips, he snake his arms around her waist and draw her to the front door. After ringing the doorbell two times, Rukayyah bounced in front of them, beaming like a child. She's wearing a lilac jallabiya with her face wrapped in muffler. She ushered them inside but not before throwing a teasing look at Nana after noticing Zayn's hand around her waist. Nana mentally facepalmed her self as she knew what was to come when they're left alone. They'll gang up on her with Hannatu, maybe even her mother or Aunty Zu. Worst, she knew her mother will goad them and she hates that, she should be siding with her.

"Mom will be down shortly. Let me bring some refreshments for you." Rukayyah bounced back to the kitchen to tell Hannatu about their visitors.

True to Rukayyah's words, Hajiya Salamatu poised them with her presence a little after Rukayyah's disappearance. She leisurely ambled down the sumptuous stairs holding onto the banister, clasped in beautiful black abaya, also has her face wrapped in muffler looking as beautiful as ever. Nana stood up and met her halfway, giving her a bone crushing hug. She missed her mother so much that she didn't like talking to her on phone because she'd want to be with her again. Mentally keeping a note to thank Zayn for bringing her here later. The guy know her too well.

Zayn watched the exchange from the couch with a smile tugging at his lips. Thinking back to when she hugged him to her bosom, that was the best hug he's ever received in his entire life. She was very soft and comforting, running her hand through his hair and whispering sweet brave words to his ear. Her breath tickling his ear making the hairs on his back to stand on attention. He took a deep breath, taking in her bakhoor and honey scent, that alone was comforting. She's just what he needs to survive in this world filled with beasts with friendly faces.

Now thinking about his best friend, he truely has neglected him in some way. Before he got married, he can never go a day without seeing or calling Mashhub. But after he got married, he could go three days without talking to him. Things change when you get married and those words are very right. Nana has been his top priority, he wants her to be comfortable with him and he's very much succeeding.

Mashhub said something about seeing Nana's family to talk about his seriousness with Rukayyah. Zayn was ecstatic about it and couldn't wait to meet his friends and tease him all together like they did to him. He has been seeing Rukayyah since their wedding and everything is sorting out in just the few weeks they spent. They also don't want to wait long before getting married like they did. Rukayyah is a good match to Mashhub as is a talkative and she's very ebullient, maybe if he find someone that can talk more than him, he might stop babbling out.

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