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"Alhamdulillah! She's carrying Isuhu's child. Treat her like a queen for she has what we always wanted in her womb." The woman who is Isuhu's mother as Nana came to know announced to the people standing there.

She checked her eyes and her palm, a smile playing in her lips and Nana could swear on her life that that was the first time she saw her smiling ever since she settled her feet in the house. She doesn't know whether she should be relieved about been treated like an egg or angry for getting pregnant for that cruel man. She hates him so much that it hurt beyond words and tears. She is tired of balling her eyes at the corner after praying because no one visited her among her family and she felt abandoned and lonely.

Isuhu collected her phone on their first night and went to sell it saying she doesn't need a phone. Nana was furious but didn't oppose, he has every right. Instead of wasting her time crying, a week after the wedding, she started reading a few more of her brand new hadiths that her mother's friend gave her as her wedding gift. Nana is so grateful that she wanted to meet the woman but everything was going on so fast for her liking and didn't get the time to do so.

"I hope the baby is Isuhu's." Her cowife, Maajida mocked, leaving the door with angry strides.

"At least she's not a barren." One of the teenagers yelled after her to which she flipped and continued her journey to her room.

Nana is not friendly with them as she doesn't like new people and now that she's looking at them, they're too many for her liking and she knows none other than her co wife and mother in-law. They are so many that she can't count and seeing them standing by the door to her room made her heart thump loudly in her chest, they can beat her to pulp if she doesn't control herself around them. Some are looking at her with I don't care face whilst the others are just trying to mind their business but can't help wandering their eyes around her room.

"Leave and give her some fresh air." Another older woman said, walking out of the room with the others.

"You're having my grandchild in there and I want you to be extra careful now, are you hearing me?" Isuhu's mother, Larai sternly yelled at puzzled Nana.

She's still not out of her reverie, that she's pregnant with Isuhu's child! This is very bad. Now her mother in-law has the guts to be yelling at her that she should be extra careful when they are the ones not giving her enough food to eat. The audacity?! She kept her temper because talking back to this woman will do her no good except more trouble from her husband and the whole people in the house, she can't deal with them.

"Y-yes." She replied, unconsciously rubbing her hand on her stomach. A human being is living in there, Allah is great!

The woman left and brought some local different concoction which has her cringing but took it nonetheless. She kept four different cups by the side of her bed with something covering them all after she tasted each. They all taste bitter except one which has no taste at all. She smiled at the older woman and lie down on the bed, waiting for her husband to come and drop the dread news.

No she's more than happy that she's having a baby inside of her but she doesn't know what he'll feel about it and they never talked about it. No, they never really talked about anything except food and when he wants her. She just hopes that he will be happy about it since after all, he married her because he wants someone to give a baby to him and now their wish is coming true. She will be baring a baby for him in less than eight months and then that's all.

"You are pregnant?!" Her husband's voice woke her out of her light sleep. She jumped away from his thunderous eyes as they glare at her hotly.

"Y-y-yes." She breathed out, moving to the edge of the bed, her back hitting the drawer behind her.

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