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Nana and her mother went to her mother's homeland for the first time. It was also the first time she knew about them having a family in the village of Zaria. They went to Kwarbai to greet her mother's parents siblings since her parents are dead and it has been long since she last visited. She heard them mocking her that because she became rich, she stopped coming to visit them so she asked Nana to get dressed that they're going to Zaria and will be back the same day so Nana got dressed in simple ankara flay gown.

Now that they're standing by the door to the house, Nana wished she was anywhere but there. She could already feel chills running down her spine because she's having a bad feeling about the whole ordeal. Just looking at the door makes her want to run back to the confines of her room and lock herself up. Something bad is going to happen and she can't stop it no matter what.

They got down and went straight into the house which has only a dark grey door. They salamed and walked into the long hallway before they finally reach the side where the people in the house live. People welcomed them like they didn't gossip about her mother because they want her to give them something when she's going back. People! Nana shook her head and continue to trail behind her mother like a lost puppy. The older women were eying her up and down after she greeted each one of them.

They were all gisting around the later that day when on older woman chirped; "You have this young lady in your house and she's still not married? What are you doing with her at home?" She threw at her mother.

Her mother squirmed on the mat, not knowing how to reply to such question with a hint of mockery. The other women started talking also, criticizing them for what isn't their fault. If they find a suitable spouse for her, they will most definitely get her married but this people are not getting it.

"She can get married to Isuhu, he's looking for a second wife." The first woman who asked the mockery question suggested, eying both mother and daughter.

"You're right, Hajiya." Another woman chirped, grinning like she's won a lottery.

Both mother and daughter's heart stopped beating for a second before carrying on and beating in the fastest way possible. Why the hell are they talking about second wife?! She's just here to visit and they want her to marry someone already. That's the problem with some village people and why in heaven is the man looking for another wife and why are they even supporting him? She's very new here and they didn't even ask if she has any suitor whatsoever.

"We'll talk to her father about it." Her mother forced a smile. She's not close to her daughter but also don't like the idea of her living with these people, they roll bad vibe.

"Alhaji Talib will hundred percent agree to this arrangement, I know him." The first woman insisted, still eying Nana.

"Okay. I'll see about it." Her mother mumbled, immediately standing up from the mattress and adjusting her veil, Nana followed suit.

"You're going already?" Another woman among them asked, eying her bag and veil.

"Yes. We need to leave now if we don't want to drive home at night which is very bad." She slipped her shoes and ask one of them to call the men in the house to take the thing she brought for them.

Among those men, they mentioned Isuhu and also told him about him marrying the girl. Nana could see how he was creepily looking at her as they walk to the car. The way he's looking at her makes all the hairs in her body to stand in attention, it sends cold unpleasant chill down her spine. They're expecting her to marry this man who doesn't even respect himself talk less of respecting her. No wonder he'll need a second wife, the first one can't take his shit anymore.

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