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Seven months pregnant but they didn't let Nana rest. At first, they are treating her like and egg but now, they could careless about what she's carrying, they have enough children around the house to care about her own. Today, they asked her to take a bucket and fetch water at the neighbourhood where some men that serve their NYSC in Zaria live. The men alone have borehole because all around the place, it's only their home that have light, borehole and it's the finest house all around.

Nana sobbed as she walk to the house, covering her face with hijab as she hold her hand possessively around her baby bulb which was obvious even with the hijab. The pregnancy has changed her, big nose, puffier cheeks, more plump lips. She added a little weight around her burst and hips but she's still the same woman, if only her eyes didn't deepen into slits because of the weight she added. She liked the pregnancy though, she could talk to her son when lonely.

"Where are you going to?" Maajida asked her by the door to the house. A small door that is closed with poly bags around it.

"To fetch water from the NYSC's house." That is the name they use for the house, because they don't know how to put it. Not that they even know what they mean with the NYSC.

"They ask you to do it again?" She incredulously asked, fisting her hands in a ball due to anger.

For the past months, the two of them bonded awfully good and Maajida always helped her with her morning sickness, cravings and other hard house chores. Sometimes they don't allow anyone to help her and other times, they let Maajida help, mostly when they're not around.

"Yes. Baba Yadikko wants to wash her clothes. I hope she won't ask me to do it again." Nana released an exasperated sigh.

She still didn't call any of her family members, only Rukayyah. Her parents didn't bother to call and ask for her so she also didn't call them. Yes, she's mad at them for getting her married to someone like Isuhu. Someone they didn't feel the need to do a background check on, just how does that work. Just because you're somehow related doesn't mean everyone is good. They are the most evil people she's ever met, that is if she's met any. Their length of evilness is just beyond her own thinking.

"Then you won't do." Maajida yanked her out of her reverie.

"I hope she doesn't ask me to. Let me just go and fetch the water, you can cook something for us in my room. Use the stove, I added kerosene earlier." Maajida grinned evilly before nodding.

Nana signed and continue her journey down to NYSC's house. She knocked in their gate a few times before a guard opened the door and greeted her. She's been their regular customer so they're now friendly, not that she likes it but she has to be. She's never met anyone from the NYSC house but heard the teenage girls in Isuhu's house buzzing up and down about how handsome the men are. They'll even fetch extra water just to catch a glimpse of them to which Nana find stupid.

After fetching the water from the faucet which was just close to the gate, Nana turn back around to leave when her bucket was tumbled out of her hand, only to find it a good ten feet away from her and it's broken. Her heart fell in her throat because she knows she's in deep trouble if Baba Yadikko sees her bucket broken. Nana's tears started falling slowly down her cheek, already seeing the scenario that's about to take place in some short minutes. They'll involve her husband, knowing he'd beat her to pulp and they'll call her parents and ask them to pay.

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