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"O people! Spread the salaam; maintain good ties with the kin; and pray at night while people are sleeping, then you will enter Paradise peacefully." (Tirmidhi)


Zayn could see from the side of his eyes as his wife kept fidgeting on her seat at the passenger's side. She's itching to ask questions and trying to hide from her previous action which he very much liked. Her innocence is back with full force even before they left the place and that is just intriguing him to her every time. She's just full of do many things but she didn't let herself get too comfortable. He needs to change that, and that too soon. First, she'll ask him so many questions as soon as they settle in the house, he'll make sure she asks him. He's not ready to answer the answers I details but he wants her to ask him that will show how much she cared.

You can't just see someone calling your husband baby and won't get jealous about it.

"Stop fidgeting." He rolled his eyes at her when she shot a glare at him. His feisty wife is back and he's welcoming her with open arms.

"I'm not! You're just seeing things." She replied, adjusting herself on the seat again.

Nana badly wants to ask him who that woman is, but kept quite as it is not her business. Isn't she his wife? Yes she is but is she supposed to be nosey when their marriage is anything but a love marriage. Even so, it is not based on hatred and it is not forced so she has the right, right? Ugh, it's confusing her and one thing is, she doesn't want it to look like she's kibitzing here.

Then her tomfool action back there. What was she thinking? What was it that made her do all that and the little pinch in her chest by the left side where her heart lie? The feeling is so new and strange to her but she is trying to brush it off and immediately open the door and leave the car as soon as it halted in there parking lot. She's not ready to talk to him about his past and he also doesn't look like he wants to talk to about it.

"I can't stroll around again. I'm so tired and I got a call earlier from Mashhub. He said that there is a party that my friends and employees arranged tomorrow, to celebrate my wedding and we should go." He explained, flopping down on the sofa.

"I don't like parties. I'm not a fan." She released an exasperated breathe, sitting on the another sofa.

"I'm hungry! And you are going, that's final." Zayn glare at his wife before standing up and moving to the sofa she's sitting. He knows what he's getting himself into.

"Wh-what are you doing? Why did you stand up from that couch?" She warily look at him, stuttering out the words like a sick sylph.

"Because, my wife is avoiding sitting next to me so here I am." He wrap his right arm behind the sofa where Nana's head lies. His closeness is really not doing well to her, she doesn't even know what to say. His heat is very close to her that it's warming her with it.

"Uh huh..." She made a move to stand up but Zayn was fast to bring her back on the couch, trapping her with his arms around her waist. Her heart launch to her mouth because of the sparks that flew around her body, making her to unconsciously arch her back.

"Stop avoiding me. I'm your husband!" He snapped even though it was meant to be playful, she didn't quite get the frolicsome, so she stayed put. No words came out of her mouth and she didn't move, she looks like a statue, gaping at him.

In all truthfulness, she knew what she's doing is not good. She's been depriving him of his rights and she doesn't even let him touch her which is very common to married couples. Deep down, she knew he is really trying, keeping everything to himself and trying to get to know her. With those little banters here and there, she's getting to know little about him. It's not like she's uncomfortable with him, she's not -not anymore- but it's like there are some secrets and invisible barrier keeping her away from giving her all to him. She is going to try and give them a chance from now on. But not before playing a little.

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