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Nana shuffled on her feet not knowing what to do. Trapped in a situation where she's never been in, she only stared at Hidaya as she walked in and stand next to her. She wants to slap Hidaya again, yell at her and demand why she called her husband yesterday in the middle of their movie night but she didn't.

"Hello." Hidaya hesitantly whispered from beside her, also looking very uncomfortable about the whole scenario.

"Assalamu Alaikum." Nana almost rolled her eyes, seeing how ridiculous she's feeling. Why was she nervous and uncomfortable in the first place?

"Look, I'm sorry about whatever happened between us. I really don't know what came over me, but I swear I'm not in between you two. I'll never come in between you two ever again! I called him yesterday to talk about some things so that I can clear everything between us. I'm very sorry if it caused any inconvenience between you two." Hidaya was rambling from what Nana could see but she couldn't wash away that feeling of relief even if she wants to.

"Okay, I'll think about it." Nana forced a smile and bolted out of the elevator when it reached the last floor where she is supposed to see her husband.

She went straight to his office seeing that his secretary isn't where she should be. She didn't knock but just opened the door only to find him resting his head in the table while he looks like he is sleeping. She felt bad about whatever it is that happened between them yesterday, she was acting childish and clingy but she can't help it. When her jealous and possessive side made it's presence known, she can't help herself.

"Cherub?" She called out, standing beside his table and scrunched to his level so as to not scare him off.

"Mami?" His brows furrowed when he saw her looking down at him.

"I made something amazing for you." She beamed, disregarding the questioning gaze he is sending to her and place the lunch box in front of him.

"Come here, mami." He patted his laps and move his chair back so that she can comfortably sit down on his laps without any disruption.

"Mom is not okay, Ya Zayn. You need to come to my house right now." Hidaya frantically verballed through the phone as soon as Zayn picked it. He knew she would never call him just like that, not after the earful he gave her some days ago.

"I'll be there in two." He hung up and slammed the door on his way because he is mad that his wife just up and left just because she saw his cousin calling him.

Zayn didn't bother taking his car and immediately ran out of his house and to his uncle's where he saw nothing unusual. He saw a figure standing in the dark, anxiously looking at their phone and to the gates where he's standing. He moved to the figure and find out that the figure is no one other than Hidaya, he ran the remaining distance and stood in front of her.

"Where is she?" He asked, looking around for his aunt and uncle but no one is out there with them.

"Mom is perfectly okay. I just want to talk to you, it's important." She cried when she saw his rage filled eyes, like he's about to do something they both will regret.

"This better be very very important or I..." He clasped his hands in fist, imagining what Nana must be thinking about everything.

"I just want to apologize and set thing right between us again. Let's get back to how we were before. Like brother and sister, I want to be only your sister and nothing else, I swear. I don't have any motive behind this..." She kept verballing on and on about their former relationship and Zayn is not even hearing her. He's just thinking about his wife back at home so he cut everything short.

"Then don't ever try interfering between me and my wife ever again." He warned before storming out of the house to their own.

"That was what happened, mami, nothing else." Zayn's eyes are pleading with her to agree, he couldn't sleep yesterday knowing that she's mad at him and the trust between them is fragile.

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