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Venturesome ride. . .

If there is anything Nana hated more than strawberry, is being alone with a male specie. She's praying for the earth to open up and swallow her whole being. She could feel his gaze even with her head bowed, it looks like he's stripping her out of her shell and she's not liking it one bit but held her tongue in. It'll be inappropriate to talk to him in a bad way -that would've been the most sleaziest thing she's ever done in her whole life. Instead, she took a deep breath before raising her head to look at the fair human in front of her. She plastered a nervous smile, the veil drawing back, leaving her face bare for him to see.

She heard a sharp intake of breath, she didn't know whether it's coming from him or her because the man blew her mind away. The specie in front of her looks like he's something from another realm. Maybe realm of jinns or mages. He's too beautiful to be human in her own words. His beauty is just something out of the world. Not that she's seen much male species but this one right in front of her is just too good to be a human. She thinks her brother is handsome but Zayn here proved her very wrong.

She doesn't even know how to describe his beauty, he's egregiously out of her reach. He looks flawless. He's the type of guy that makes your heart pound and your mind to scatter all over the place with jealousy when there are so many females around. They'd be looking at him or even flirt with him openly and you have to swallow your jealousy. Oh her goodness, she'll be very insecure if she marry this man but she will find her answers after praying Istikharah.

"How are you doing?" His voice was very deep, it made her heart pump five liters extra blood to her aorta. She immediately drop her eyes and avoid his that promised adventurous ride, underneath.

She didn't miss the British and Indian accent in his voice, uh oh. That kind of answered her questions if he's Indian but... Whatever.

"I'm fine, Alhamdulillah. How are you?" Her voice was still small if not smaller. He makes her so nervous that she wants to shrink back and just look at him.

"I'm also good," there was a pregnant silence between them before he decided to break it, not liking any awkwardness. If his mother wants this marriage, he also wants it, so there is no room for awkwardness between them. He hates awkwardness!

"How's everything going? I mean, the Islamic school you teach at," he questioned, leaning back on the chair to look at her squirming figure. It'll take a lot of time for her to get comfortable with him but he doesn't mind, he likes challenges.

"Everything is going smoothly, Alhamdulillah! What about your side?" She asked back, not because she wants to know but because she's not ready for the awkward taciturn to settle on them again.

"Same old, boring." He replied before trying to make small talks here and there. He succeeded in making her voice normal but she's still squirming whenever she feel his gaze on her.

Maaysa who was watching the interaction from afar decide that it's time for them to go back in as Nana looks like she's about to pass out due to nervousness and knife edged self. She chuckled a little at that. Very soon, she'll get more than comfortable if she's going to be with the Borkans and most especially, if she's going to marry Zayn. Her brother can talk for the whole universe -to family- if he wants to. And now that it looks like he has taken a liking at her, she's in for a venturesome ride. They'll make a beautiful couple.

Her brother has been through a lot but that doesn't mean he won't love his wife like he loves himself. He'll keep her safer than he'll ever do to himself. Even if he doesn't like her now, he will later on and Maaysa is very sure of that. He looks at her with something different that even the blind could see it. He ceded it!

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