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Lying down on his bed, thinking about everything and nothing. After a long week, he finally has time to warm his bed. He has been expanding their family business this whole week to even find time for his room. His father decided to pass the business down to him a month back. His father thought he wasn't fit enough to have the business at the age of twenty nine, but something miraculously changed his mind. Not that he isn't good with his work, he knew he was great. He manage to spoil all his chances to get the company when he made a catastrophic decision. He was so blinded in retribution that he didn't lay much attention to his future. It was qualmish. It was almost too late when he manage to eviscerate his life from the caustic depth of nothingness.

For four years, he worked as an employee in his own father's company and it didn't bother him. He was really happy with what he had back then. And his father didn't -for a slightest bit- differentiate him from the other employees. He scold him just as he would do to them, he made him work hard just as every other employee. He likes it like that, his father is always just even among his own children.

"Ya Zayn, Baba asked for you. He is waiting for you in his living room." His younger sister -Maaysa, said after knocking a few times and he mumble a silent come in.

"Wait let's go together. Let me just change." He ordered before walking into his closet to change. He immediately wrap himself in sweats before walking out of the closet. "Let's go!"

"You're being grumpy again." Maaysa whined as she graciously walk down the hallway.

Zayn always tease her that she walks like her name. No matter how many times he'd tease her with his elder sister, she always walks that way. At first, they thought it was her teenage time, changing her walk but then found out it was very natural. He loves her to death but she always thought of him as a grumpy person which he turned into some few years back. Everything was going the wrong way then and he didn't know he was also following the wrong way. He was a wasp just a few years back!

"I'm not! You just want to call me grumpy and you did." He playfully glare at her and soon they're put of his side, falling into a longer hallway.

When he was twenty, he was never like this with his sister -sisters- he never has time for his family. He went to abroad to study and from that moment, he has changed his way of living, hence, the catastrophic decisions. Just a year ago, he manage to pitch away from his formless state.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night. Baba is talking about your wedding, I think." She hypocritically whisper in his ear after much tiptoeing -she still didn't reach his ear.

"Oh really! That's nice. It's been long since he last talked about it. I think he's with the bride this time around." He chuckled at his own words and his sister join in. They knew their father quite enough.

He'd give you a hint, and when you don't take that hint, he'll make sure everything turns out his way. Like the time when he ask Zayn to come and see his office if he'll like it there, Zayn didn't bother going and his father forced him to start working under him. He loves them but likes being the master. The head of the house is -Father and he will never forget those words. He says it almost everyday.

"True!" Maaysa laughed a bit before they both say taslim in their father's living room where all the family members are, sitting on the huge plush black couches.

"Good Afternoon, Baba." Zayn greeted, slightly squating down in front of the old man who is his father, before standing up to greet his mother with a kiss on the cheek and did the same to his other sisters. He didn't even know when they arrived.

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