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Nana didn't feel at ease with her husband sitting with his cousin sisters all around him, so she find somewhere she could spy on them. They're all beautiful and it's not like she's insecure about their love, but she hates seeing girls around him even if they're his cousins. They're not his mahram and that's that. She sat down next to the bride and her co-wife where she could see them clearly. If Hidaya wasn't sitting there, she would've been more sated and happy but with Hidaya inches away from her husband, she doesn't trust her one bit. She doesn't even respect personal space and could see her husband moving away from time to time which made her grin.

Zayn stood up after mumbling an excuse to them -from how he moved- to answer his phone call. A few minutes later, he wasn't back and Hidaya stood up and follow the same direction as he did. Nana groaned before excusing herself from the tensed girls, she will give them some lectures later because now, she wants to see what that stupid woman will do to her husband. She walked out of the house and find him sitting on a bench in the backyard. The place was quite except for some couple standing here and there most of them with their phones. Zayn is also talking on phone, not knowing that Hidaya was beside him.

Nana watched vigilantly like a private investigator zooming on criminal's picture. Zayn finished the call and tuck the phone inside his pocket, he was about to turn around when she saw Hidaya quick movement. She is trying to kiss her husband! Nana's heart pick up in anticipation as her legs stayed rooted beneath her, blood rushing to her head and anger bubbling deep within her stomach which made her heart drop. Nana ran to where they're standing but it seems like she's too late for what happened next, Hidaya's lips landed on her husband's.

She saw red!

Matching to where they are standing and slap Hidaya right across her cheek. She's always against violence but right now, she doesn't care about whatever it us that's going to happen. This girl deserve all she's going to do to her. No, her lips landed on his jaw not his lips. If it was on his lips, Nana wouldn't know what she would've done but she surely knows that she'd do something she'll regret later on.

"That is for coming close to my husband." She gritted out.

The people around there didn't know what is going on so Nana pushed herself in between the two because she could see that Zayn doesn't know what is going on or he's trying to process everything that just happened. He knew someone's lips landed on his jaw but he doesn't know shoes because when he fully turned around, he saw both Nana and Hidaya standing in front of him with Hidaya clutching onto her right cheek while looking at Nana with regret.

"What do you think you were doing?" Nana gritted out between gnashed teeth after another slap because her anger is getting the best of her and if Zayn hadn't acted fast and hold her fist into his, she would have slapped her again.

"I'm sorry." Hidaya ran out of the place in shame and regret.

She really didn't mean to kiss his jaw but it just happened. She was very desperate for attention when everyone around her is drastically moving itself. She's not really there cousin because she was adopted when Mu'ayyad saw her in an orphanage and ask his parents to adopt her. Everything she needs, it is there but it's like everything they're giving her is never enough.

Hidaya was brought up and was given the Khattab last name because no one knows her last name and even her first name was given to her by the orphanage manager. She was just two when they adopted her and she never knew that she was adopted till she reached fourteen when she didn't see her baby pictures. She started doubting their love and became a wild child always partying and getting into trouble so that they can scold her for been stubborn and mistakingly let it slip but they never did. They let her do what she's doing and thought that it's just her teenage years.

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