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"He who has three daughters, and he shelters them, provides for them and is merciful to them, will definitely be admitted into paradise. -Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

When Zayn finished cooking for them, they had their breakfast and took bath -one at a time. It's not that she's not ready for them to consummate their wedding but sometimes it feels like he's not ready and that alone hurts her beyond words. She still won't blame him with it since she didn't give him any sign to take their relationship to another level. How will she do that though? It's kind of embarrassing even though he's her husband. Some things just can't be out in the open even between a husband and a wife, most especially, between her and Zayn since their relationship is still young, or so she wants to think.

She walked him to his car and they did a very long dramatic goodbye as he wouldn't leave her even for a single moment. She laughed and ran into the house when he was about to draw her on his laps. Zayn can be very impossible sometimes but she won't just sit there and let the security man and the gardener to see them getting lovey dovey in the parking lot. She pecked his lips though. Nana groaned when she set her feet in the house and felt the house cold and quite, she is missing him already.

Deciding that she should at least try and cook something, she called Rukayyah, Maaysa and Hannatu to come over. Maybe they'll help her cook something for her husband today and even watch or write everything they'll be doing. God, why didn't she put so much effort into learning how to cook when Aunt Zu asked her to. Now she's regretting it big time. She went to their room to take a quick bath and change into something responsible, not her shorts and vest.

Twenty minutes later, she's dressed in a blue and white striped linen trousers made of soft linen featuring belted waistband with simple subtle pleating at the front. She finished it up with a white shirt and blue dove hijab, blue flats and she's done. She leisurely walk out of the room after taking a small book with her, a pen and her phone. She smiled, thinking about her husband's last text message yesterday when he was at work, he's a Casanova, really.

Just when she kept everything on the kitchen island, the doorbell rang impatiently. That should be Rukayyah and Hannatu, they're very impatient that it's annoying her sometimes. She opened the door and they envelope her in their arms in a tight hug, she couldn't breath. Why are they hugging her like this? After struggling for good two minutes, they finally release her and realise that Maaysa is just behind them.

"Assalamu Alaikum." Nana said to them since they didn't bother saying it to her and just badge in the house.

"Wa'alaikum assalam." Maaysa replied, hugging her gently, yet tightly for some seconds before letting go.

"How are you, dearie?" Nana asked, closing the door behind them when they both stepped in.

"I'm so good." She grinned, walking deeper into the house and slumping down on the couch with the other girls.

They started talking about Rukayyah's wedding which will take place in a month's time insha'Allah and Nana can't wait. From the time they started talking about her wedding and tease her about Mashhub, Nana could see Maaysa forcing a smile and throwing a few words here and there before she gets comfortable again. They played game, team up with Rukayyah and win them. Nana laughed so hard that afternoon before they decide to cook something to eat and continue enjoying.

"We should really stop one yard and colour. Stop taking so many colours." Maaysa rolled her eyes as she cut the pepper.

"We should choose Navy blue, don't ya think?" Hannatu asked them. They're talking about the clothes they should wear as the bridesmaids.

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