Chapter 3: James

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Ely's lips move far too soon from mine and when I open my eyes I see his gray eyes studying me carefully and I know he wants to make sure that I am ready to take this next step. Just then I realized the entire restaurant is watching us and I feel color and heat rushing to my cheeks and suddenly the shyness in me comes out like a wave crashing to the shore.

"Ely I love you, thank you for being so patient with me through all of this and I wanted you to know that this was something I had made up my mind about before seeing you after work" I say trying to get my point across so that it doesn't seem like I'm a gold digger now that he is junior partner.

"Are you implying that you thought that I thought you were after my money but don't want me to know it yet?" Ely chastises.

Immediately my eyes widen so big that I am certain that they are going to fall out of my head and I begin shaking her head only to notice that Ely's stern face as it changed to a happy one and that he was just kidding by implying that I am only agreeing to live with him because he's definitely getting a bump in pay.

"Ely Thomas Sackstin" I scowled through my own grin.

"James I knew there was something on your mind when you didn't see me when you left the studio, but I must admit this is opposite than what I thought it was going to be" he says letting out a breath I didn't realize that he was holding in. And I frown at the thought that he was thinking I was going to break up with him.

"Ely I meant what I said to you this morning, I love you and the patience that you have had with me regarding taking the next step in our relationship is beyond anything that I could have hoped for. But leaving for work this morning I realized that I wanted nothing more than to repeat this morning over and over again." I say sliding my hand over to his lacing my fingers through his.

The waiter finally reappears after realizing that is was safe for him to bring over our meal. We eat and the talk becomes lighter. We laugh and I tell him about my client this morning whose expectations were so much more than what I could do, I'm not even sure if some big shot Hollywood plastic surgeon could do what she was expecting.

After finishing our meal Ely puts some money down on the ticket, without realizing he tipped exceptionally well tonight, probably because our poor waiter couldn't do his job since the tension at our table was more than he could read. I fold my self down into the seat of his Audi while he closes my door to walk around to the driver side.

Once we are out of the parking lot, I glance over to him loving the way his eyes stay on the road but his thumb has found the skin just below the hem of my dress and is rubbing circles. I know I look like I'm all in puppy love but to tell you the truth I'm not sure we ever went through that phase of being nauseously affectionate in the beginning like most couples do. And I'm not there now either but my heart is happy and that is a high like no drug could ever give you.

" You know I can feel you staring at me like you want to jump me, but I must warn you if you do I will pull over onto the shoulder and have my way with you and I won't give one damn who sees it" Ely says in a tone that sends deep vibrations to my core.

"Are you staying at my apartment tonight?" I shift so my body is angled more towards him.

His devilish grin returns, "Jay you agreed to live with me and I know that means that you don't want to move into my apartment with my less than childish brother, and if I'm honest your apartment..."

"What is wrong with my apartment?" I demand in the most serious tone I can muster even though I want to curl up and laugh, probably with a little snort thanks to the 2 glasses of wine I had at dinner.

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