Chapter 34: James

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Our door is open and the frame is splintered, Ely walks in before me holding my hand behind him. He is squeezing so tight that the diamond is pressing into my other finger.  I try to focus on that pain rather than the fear of what we are walking into.

All of the frosted glass is busted out of our cabinets, broken dishes are scattered everywhere. The drawers have been pulled out and tossed. Our barstools and table chairs are turned over, the sectional has been shredded and there is wine poured all over the area rug. I stand there not believing our eyes, Ely releases my hand and gesturing for me to stay as he makes his way down the hall.

Who would do something like this? Who would destroy our things? My hand holding my trembling lips as the other arm wraps around my waist. Goosebumps cover my body, fear has taken the spotlight.

"Who?" I croak as Ely makes his way back to me, his phone to his ear as the lady on the other end tells him police are on the way. He wraps me in my arms and my whole body starts to shake. Some one was in our home, somebody did this to us.

"Sshh baby, it's going to be okay, I promise" he whispers into my hair. My face is wet, and then I realize his shirt is wet. What was wet, where's the water coming from.

His hand pets my hair back away, and I pull away my eyes searching for where the water  is coming from, why are we all wet. Then Ely's thumb swipes away under my eye, and I realize I'm the reason we are wet. I'm crying but I can't feel the tears fall, I'm not sure what it is that I feel.

I raise my eyes to his, and I see the fear in his eyes. He wanted safety and that's not what we got, I can see the worry if I would have come home to this. I sink back into his arms, in his arms I'm safe and he doesn't worry.

"Jay" I can hear Jo behind me but I can't turn to see her. I can't move, Ely sat me down on the stool he set up right and he's been talking to the detective over in the corner as other officers come and go, sometimes they have some of our things in a bag and others they are empty handed.

Jo's hands touch me and spin me on the stool. "Honey are you okay?" Her face is inches from mine. I nod because I cannot form any words, the tears are still rolling down my face but I can't stop them. I'm helpless in this moment.

"Okay were going to get you some things and take you back to the apartment" she looks up over me to where Ely is standing her eyes fall back to me.

"Okay so you can wear something of mine, okay?" She sinks eye level with me trying to break whatever it is that I'm in.

She stands back up and talks to Ely, "Is she okay?"

"The paramedic says she is in shock, he suggests we go to the hospital but I haven't made it that far yet."

"Why does she need to go to the hospital? Someone broke into your home and she is scared what are they going to do for her at the hospital?"

"They want to make sure she is okay, maybe even give her medicine if she needs it."

"No let's just take her to my house and we will take care of her" she seethes through her teeth. "She needs her fucking family Ely, not some shrink over analyzing her"

She is mad but since I can't see them I don't know if he's mad or scared I just hear their whispers back and forth, I can't even understand what they are saying.

"Fine let me go get some of our stuff and then we will be there."

"Look you maybe her boyfriend or fiancé, whatever but I'll take her home with me.  You finish up here and then come back to the house. Who ever this was is seriously deranged." She softens and then I feel her arms around me.

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