Chapter 29: Ely

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I make it to Billy and Jo's before the rain starts coming down hard. As soon as the elevator doors opens on their floor I take off down the winding hallway to their door. I knock before letting myself in, Jo perks up and turns as I walk into the loving room.

"Where's Jay?" I ask catching my breath.

"She left a few hours ago, I tried calling but she forgot her phone in her room." Now that I have calmed some I see the worry in her eyes.

"Jo?" I plead as both of my hands pulling my hair hard.

"Ely I don't know, her keys are here, her phone is here and she didn't tell anyone she was leaving." Billy comes into the living room and looks at us both, "she still not back?"

Jo shakes her head, her arms wrapping around herself.

"Okay I'll go" I say turning and leaving before anyone can say anything.

I exit the lobby looking both directions unsure of where to go, the rain is falling so hard. I can't see five feet in front of me either way, I turn and just go on instinct.

Ten minutes later I see her standing in the rain, she can't see me and she isn't sure where she is.

"Jay" I take off to her, she turns her head to me but she isn't moving.

"Jay" I say again when I can see her more clearly. 

"Ely?" She still isn't moving, her eyes squinting trying to make me out through the rain.

I run up to her and stop just short of crashing into her, "What are you" and I cut her off crashing my mouth to hers, my hands on each side of her hair holding her to me.

She hesitates a few moments before her mouth shapes to mine and she wraps her hands around the back of my neck. My hands move from her face to her hips, I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me opening her mouth granting my tongue access.   

She pulls away and her eyes search mine, I feel her legs start to unwrap and I grab them holding them in place.

"Ely we can't" her eyes sad, rain dripping down her face. "You're... you're with.." her voice trails as my smile widens.

"No James there's no one" I say my breathing hard and my heart beating out of my chest.

"No" her brows furrow not understanding.

"It's only ever been you baby, you own me" her smile is wide and infectious making my smile mirror hers. 

Her lips connects with mine once more and nothing around us matters, it's just me and my girl. 


We walk into Billy and Jo's both of us soaked to the bone and shaking from the chill of the air conditioning.

"Oh my god, are y'all okay?" Jo jumps up and heads to us, "Billy we need towels" she turns to him and he is up and after them.

"We're fine, the rain just beat me home" Jay tells her standing in the foyer not wanting to drip water all over the apartment.

Billy hands us some towels and we dry off the best we can, "Go take showers, Ely I'm sure Billy has something for you to borrow." I eye him and then return back to her, "uhm it would be like me wearing clothes from my 15 year old self" I laugh as Billy shoots me the finger and walks away. "Hope you get sick" he hollers back. I can help but laugh at his childish reaction.

"So I'll send Billy to go get you clothes, you can't go home like that." Her mothering coming out. "Jay go shower you'll catch pneumonia and then I'll have to kick you out so Paislee doesn't get it. 

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